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Revision as of 19:24, 6 August 2019 by Blead (talk | contribs) (Hide toc, add cast time data, write a little bit more)
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I am not satisfied with the previous format, so I am rewriting this again. I would like this to be an informative write-up, and also a reliable reference that is easy to look up and digest quickly.

The scope of this is pretty simple: Techniques. Some specific classes/items/etc. might be mentioned, but they are not really the main focus. I hope this can, at the very least, serve as a decent reference for many people, including myself.

I can probably work around MediaWiki a bit to make things look pretty. (I wanted to play with it a bit too.) We will see how this goes.


Not much information can be found about the casting speed, but it is safe to assume that in general situations the regular Technique casting animations take half a second (~30 frames for 60FPS). I have personally done tests on this but there are still some odd results which I am not satisfied with. Feel free to contribute or suggest anything I might have missed.

There are many different casting animations depending on the weapon used and the Technique itself, but only the weapon affects the cast time, while different animations on the same weapon have the same length. Tests were performed with Grants and Ilbarta. The frame at which the tech charging circles disappear is marked as frame zero, and the final frame is counted when the JA circle turns red. All recordings are done at 60FPS. Big thanks to RIN RIN TELEPHON for the inspiration and help on frame counting.

Weapon type Cast time (frames)
Rod Rod 31
Talis Talis 31
Wand Wand 32 - 33
Jet Boots JB 32 - 33
PhantomRod Rod (Phantom) 31
Barehanded 36


  • Wand and Jet Boots had some odd results where I could not consistently get the same exact frame count, so I decided to list both values.
  • Rapid Boost does not affect casting animation speed.
  • Barehanded casting animation was tested with Sword and Gunslash.
  • Hero Talis uses the same animations as regular Talis.

I would like to throw in a bit of a discussion here. From the results above, which might not be conclusive yet unless you wanted to trust this one random person who just tested something alone because nobody else agreed to help, it is quite evident that barehanded casting animation is significantly longer than using a proper tech weapon. The difference is not that huge in terms of seconds, but it definitely has an impact on the DPS values if we were to consider casting Techniques on non-tech weapons. Although currently no endgame weapons are worth using that way, it is still an important observation. Apart from that, Jet Boots and Wand have an inherent disadvantage in casting speed compared to Rod and Talis, although the difference is very small.


To keep things concise, I will classify the usage of Techniques as offensive and utility. Offensive means using Techniques as a way of dealing damage, while utility means using Techniques for other useful effects not directly focused on dealing damage.

Incoming Wall of Techs.


UITechFoie.png Foie (フォイエ)
  • Projectile can "graze" multiple targets.
  • Mediocre damage, though it is easy enough to land.
  • Fire sucks.
  • Insert more rant here.
  • ??
Craft Blazing (火焔)
  • More damage. Tbh it doesn't really matter for a Tech that barely gets any use.

Not sure if this table format looks good enough. Better than the previous revision at least. I am reluctant if I should include numbers like DPS, DPP, etc. or not. Some people prefer them, some do not. I would personally like to list them though, but with many variables also affecting charge time, I feel like those derivative DPS values should be listed as well. I also do not really want to reinvent the wheel as there are one or two spreadsheets out there already listing these values. I am totally halfhearted on this as you can see.