Titles (NGS)/Quest Titles

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Titles: Player Enemy Items Quest Task Communication Map Limited Time

クエスト/Quest | 132 Tasks / 133 Titles

クエスト/Quest (6 Tasks / 6 Titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅰ
5 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest once. パーティー 5SG
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅱ
5 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 30 times. 協力 5SG
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 100 times. 歓迎 10SG
Team Co-Fighter Ⅰ
5 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest once. おなじみ 5SG
Team Co-Fighter Ⅱ
5 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 30 times. 友情 5SG
Team Co-Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 100 times. レギュラー 10SG

緊急クエスト/Emergency Quest (58 Tasks / 59 Titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
ARKS Leader Ⅰ
5 Complete any emergency quest once. 緊急 / etc. 5SG
ARKS Leader Ⅱ
5 Complete any emergency quest 10 times. トラブル 5SG
ARKS Leader Ⅲ
5 Complete any emergency quest 30 times. デンジャラス 5SG
ARKS Leader Ⅳ
10 Complete any emergency quest 100 times. ハード 10SG
ARKS Leader Ⅴ●
20 Complete any emergency quest 200 times. 20SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" once. ドールズ 5SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 10 times. エマージェンシー 5SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 30 times. スレイヤー 10SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. ファースト 5SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. セカンド 5SG
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. サード 10SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" once. 5SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. 燃えよ 5SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. 歴戦 10SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. 土地 5SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. 大地 5SG
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. 大陸 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. 仲間 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 15 times. 人脈 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 50 times. 関係 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. バリア 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 15 times. 防壁 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 50 times. 鉄壁 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" with an S rank once. 完封 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. 守護 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅱ●
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) with an S rank once. 堅牢 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅱ●
5 Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. 不倒 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". 大量 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". 数多 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅲ
10 Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". オンパレード 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 番人 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅴ
5 Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 防人 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅵ●
10 Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 城主 10SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" once. バイタリティ 5SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. パワー 5SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. エネルギー 10SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. ロック 5SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. ジャズ 5SG
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. メタル 10SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" once. 広大 5SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. でかい 5SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. ワイド 10SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. 5SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. 睨む 5SG
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. 眼光 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" once. 義勇兵 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" 15 times. 傭兵 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅲ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" 50 times. 正規兵 10SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Retem
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" with an S rank once. ホーク 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅰ
5 Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". ジャックナイフ 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅱ
5 Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". サバイバルナイフ 5SG
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅲ●
10 Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". バタフライナイフ 10SG
Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" once. 踏ん張り 5SG
Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. 突進 5SG
Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. ダッシュ 10SG
Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" once. 体術
Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" 15 times. 武術
Martial Arts
Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. 格闘術
Hand-to-Hand Combat

トレイニア・コクーン/Trainia Cocoon (5 tasks / 5 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Cocoon Investigator Ⅰ
5 Complete all side missions in one Trainia Cocoon. コクーン 5SG
Cocoon Investigator Ⅱ
5 Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Cocoons. しっかり者 5SG
Cocoon Investigator Ⅲ
5 Complete all side missions in 8 Trainia Cocoons. 几帳面 5SG
Cocoon Investigator Ⅳ
5 Complete all side missions in 12 Trainia Cocoons. 誠実 5SG
Cocoon Investigator Ⅴ●
5 Complete all side missions in 20 Trainia Cocoons. テキパキ 5SG

トレイニア・タワー/Trainia Tower (5 tasks / 5 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Tower Investigator Ⅰ
5 Complete all side missions in one Trainia Tower. タワー 5SG
Tower Investigator Ⅱ
5 Complete all side missions in 2 Trainia Towers. 課題 5SG
Tower Investigator Ⅲ
5 Complete all side missions in 3 Trainia Towers. 解決 5SG
Tower Investigator Ⅳ
5 Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Towers. 使命 5SG
Tower Investigator Ⅴ●
5 Complete all side missions in 5 Trainia Towers. 任務 5SG

トレニア:その他/Trainia: Others (12 tasks / 12 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Cocoon Champion: Aelio
5 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio. トレイニア 5SG
Cocoon Overlord: Aelio
10 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio with all side missions completed. 完璧主義 10SG
Tower Champion: Aelio
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio. 覇者 5SG
Tower Overlord: Aelio
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio with all side missions completed. 完全 10SG
Cocoon Champion: Retem
5 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem. 踏破 5SG
Cocoon Overlord: Retem
10 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem with all side missions completed. 負けず嫌い 10SG
Tower Champion: Retem
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem. 向上心 5SG
Tower Overlord: Retem
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem with all side missions completed. 抜け目のない 10SG
Cocoon Champion: Kvaris
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris. 完了 5SG
Cocoon Overlord: Kvaris
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris with all side missions completed. パーフェクト 10SG
Tower Champion: Kvaris
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris. 成果 5SG
Tower Overlord: Kvaris
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris with all side missions completed. 完遂 10SG

トライアル/Trial (5 tasks / 5 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Trial Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete any trial 20 times. トライアル 5SG
Trial Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete any trial 150 times. 突然 5SG
Trial Contributor Ⅲ
5 Complete any trial 500 times. 臨機応変 5SG
Trial Contributor Ⅳ
10 Complete any trial 2000 times. 柔軟 10SG
Trial Contributor Ⅴ●
20 Complete any trial 4000 times. 余裕 20SG

ワールドトライアル/World Trial (3 Tasks / 3 Titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅰ※1
5 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 10 Stellar Grace. ステラーグレイス 5SG
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅱ※1
5 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 50 Stellar Grace. 回収者 5SG
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅲ●※1
10 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 100 Stellar Grace. 収集家 10SG

※1: Not counted in the Seasonal World Trial

バトルディア/Battledia (36 Tasks / 36 Titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅰ
5 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" once. バトルディア 5SG
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅱ
5 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 15 times. 調査 5SG
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅲ●
10 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 50 times. 探求 10SG
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅰ
5 Clear "Battledia: Purple" once. 挑戦 5SG
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅱ
5 Clear "Battledia: Purple" 15 times. チャレンジ 5SG
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅲ●
10 Clear "Battledia: Purple" 50 times. 果敢 10SG
Rapid Destroyer: Aelio
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" within 18 minutes. 速攻 20SG
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 弟子 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 師匠 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 現役 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 後継者 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 皆伝 5SG
Agile Destroyer: Aelio
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. 迅速 20SG
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 対決 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). ライバル 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 修行 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 善戦 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 勝利 5SG
Rapid Destroyer: Retem
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" within 18 minutes. 瞬間 20SG
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 成功 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 栄冠 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 名誉 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 名声 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 栄光 5SG
Agile Destroyer: Retem
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. 瞬速 20SG
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). モノ 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). トリ 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). テトラ 5SG
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). ペンタ 5SG
Rapid Destroyer: Kvaris
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators" within 18 minutes. 光速
Speed of Light
The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". 先鋒 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". 次鋒 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". 中堅 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". 副将 5SG
The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". 大将 5SG

トリニテス/Trinitas (32 Tasks / 32 Titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅰ
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 10,000,000 points in Trinitas. トリニテス Pass (NGS)スペシャルスクラッチ券×1
Pass (NGS)Special Scratch Ticket x1
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅱ
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 50,000,000 points in Trinitas. 遺跡 Pass (NGS)スペシャルスクラッチ券×3
Pass (NGS)Special Scratch Ticket x3
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅲ●
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 200,000,000 points in Trinitas. 探検家 マグフォルム/コクシスマキーナ
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) ブレイド 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 刺突 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練狩人 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) スコープ 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) エイム 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練狙撃手 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 触媒 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 法撃 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練術士 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 連撃 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練闘士 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 引き金 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 射撃 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練銃士 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 回復 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 援護 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練業師 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 斬撃 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練勇者 20SG
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) ヒール 10SG
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 蹴撃
Kick Attack
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練用心棒 20SG
Trinitas Challenger Ⅰ
10 Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Enemy Maximum HP +400%" added to the challenge settings. 火力 5SG
Trinitas Challenger Ⅱ
10 Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Enemy Attack Power +300%" added to the challenge settings. 紙一重 5SG
Trinitas Challenger Ⅲ
10 Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge A" added to the challenge settings. ドキドキ 5SG
Trinitas Challenger Ⅳ
10 Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge B" added to the challenge settings. ワクワク 5SG
Trinitas Challenger Ⅴ●
10 Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge C" added to the challenge settings. ビックリ 5SG

想定演習/Assumed Exercise (3 tasks / 3 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅰ
5 Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter once. 巨影 5SG
The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅱ
5 Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter 10 times. 暗闇 5SG
The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅲ●
Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter ? times.

フィールドレース/Field Race (3 tasks / 3 titles)

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
Champion of the Running Race
5 Complete 50 field races.※1 スタート 5SG
Talented Runner: West Aelio
5 Clear the Field Race "West Aelio Run Stage 1." with a score of 16,000 or higher. 短距離 5SG
Talented Runner: West Retem
5 Clear the Field Race "West Retem Run Stage 1." with a score of 13,000 or higher. オフロード 5SG
Talented Runner: Central Kvaris
5 Clear the Field Race "Central Kvaris Run Stage 1." with a score of 17,000 or higher. スケート 5SG

※1: Achievable in all Field Races with "Running" in the Title.