Item Lab (NGS)

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NGS ItemLab.png

The Item Lab is the place to go to enhance your equipment in several ways.

Item Enhancement

One of the easiest ways to improve the power of your weapons and units is through the use of Item Enhancement (also known as Grinding).

Weapons use the "New Type" Weapon Grinding system found in PSO2. By feeding other weapons to the weapon you want to Enhance, the weapon's Grind EXP increases. When the Grind EXP bar fills, the weapon gains a Grind Level, and the weapon name shows a +# at the end of the name, showing the Grind Level of the weapon.

Unit enhancing has been seen but it is not known how this will work.

Limit Break

Weapons and Units come with a Enhancement limit. Using materials and Meseta, you can raise this limit to a certain amount.

Add Special Abilities

Also known as Affixes, Abilities are like enchantments that you add to weapons and units to increase their damage, increase max HP & PP and grant other useful effects.

In New Genesis, Abilities are now added to equipment by using Ability Capsules. When using one copy of a Ability capsule on its own, the Ability from that capsule will have a very low chance of successfully affixing to the equipment, however if you use multiple copies of the same capsule, you can improve the success rate for that Ability.

For example, if you wanted to add the "Foms Soul I" Ability to a weapon, using one "Foms Soul I" capsule will give it a 9% chance of succeeding, but use ten of the capsule, and the chance to successfully affix to the weapon increases to 90%.

Equipment comes with a Ability limit cap that determines how many different Abilities that can be affixed to that piece of equipment. So far, weapons and units have only been seen with a cap of 2 Abilities, and it is not known how this can be increased.

Multiple Abilities can be affixed at the same time in all of the slots available. A limit to how many capsules can be used at the same time is not known.

Sample list of Abilities

Capsule Name Special Ability Success Rate/Capsule Effect
C/Power I
Power I
+10% Striking Weapon Damage +1.0%
C/Technique I
Technique I
+10% Tech Weapon Damage +1.0%
C/Guard I
Guard I
+10% Damage Resistance +1.0%
C/Foms Soul I
Foms Soul I
+9% Striking Weapon Damage +2.0%
C/Dolls Soul II
Dolls Soul II
+8% PP +5
Minimum Damage +2.0%

PSO2 Special Abilities

When importing equipment with Special Abilities or Super Special Abilities from Phantasy Star Online 2, they will be replaced by Legalo Special Abilities of corresponding value while in New Genesis. These changes are temporary and the original abilities will remain upon returning to Phantasy Star Online 2.

Original Ability NGS Ability Effect
Ability レガロ・アタックⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack I
Ability Power III
Ability Shoot III
Ability Technique III
Ability Power IV
Ability Shoot IV
Ability Technique IV
Ability レガロ・アタックⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack II
Damage +0.5%
Ability Power V
Ability Shoot V
Ability Technique V
Ability Power VI
Ability Shoot VI
Ability Technique VI
Ability レガロ・アタックⅠⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack III
Damage +1.0%
Ability レガロ・レッソアタックⅠ
Ability Legalo Lesso Attack I
Ability レガロ・スタミナⅠ
Ability Legalo Stamina I
Ability Stamina III
AbilityStamina IV
Ability レガロ・スタミナⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Stamina II
HP +20
Ability レガロ・レッソスタミナⅠ
Ability Legalo Lesso Stamina I
Ability レガロ・スピリタⅠ
Ability Legalo Spirita I
Ability Spirita III
Ability Spirita IV
Ability レガロ・スピリタⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Spirita II
PP +2
Ability レガロ・レッソスピリタⅠ
Ability Legalo Lesso Spirita I
Ability レガロ・アビリティⅠ
Ability Legalo Ability I
Ability Ability III Ability レガロ・アビリティⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Ability II
Damage +0.5%
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Damage Resistance +0.5%
Ability レガロ・アームⅠ
Ability Legalo Arm I
Minimum Damage +?%
Ability Arm III
Ability Arm IV
Ability レガロ・アームⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Arm II
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Ability レガロ・ガードⅠ
Ability Legalo Guard I
Ability レガロ・アレイⅠ
Ability Legalo Array I
Ability Blow Resist III
Ability Range Resist III
Ability Tech Resist III
Ability レガロ・アレイⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Array II
Damage Resistance +0.5%
Ability レガロ・ウィンドレジナⅠ
Ability Legalo Wind Resina I
Ability レガロ・ショックレジナⅠ
Ability Legalo Shock Resina I
Ability レガロ・ライトレジナⅠ
Ability Legalo Light Resina I
Ability レガロ・グルームレジナⅠ
Ability Legalo Gloom Resina I
Ability All Resist III Ability レガロ・オールレジナⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo All Resina II
Damage Resistance +0.5%
All Down Resistance +3.0%
Ability レガロ・アタックヴァズⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack Vaz I
Ability Noble Power
Ability Noble Shoot
Ability Noble Technique
Ability Elegant Power
Ability Elegant Shoot
Ability Elegant Technique
Ability レガロ・アタックヴァズⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack Vaz II
Damage +1.0%
Minimum Damage +1.0%
PP +2
Ability レガロ・アタックヴァズⅠⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Attack Vaz III
Ability レガロ・スタミナヴァズⅠ
Ability Legalo Stamina Vaz I
Ability Noble Stamina
Ability Elegant Stamina
Ability レガロ・スタミナヴァズⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Stamina Vaz II
HP +20
Ability Grace Stamina
Ability Grand Stamina
Ability レガロ・スタミナヴァズⅠⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Stamina Vaz III
HP +30
PP +2
Ability レガロ・ミラージュⅠ
Ability Legalo Mirage I
Ability レガロ・ミラージュⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Mirage II
Ability レガロ・ショックⅠ
Ability Legalo Shock I
Ability レガロ・ショックⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Shock II
Ability Any Monster Soul
Ability Any Combo Soul
Ability Astral Soul
Ability レガロ・ソールズⅠ
Ability Legalo Soulz I
Damage +0.5%
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Damage Resistance +0.5%
HP +20
PP +2
Ability Guardian Soul Ability レガロ・ソールズⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Soulz II
Damage +1.0%
Minimum Damage +1.0%
Damage Resistance +1.0%
HP +30
PP +2
Ability Stigma Ability レガロ・スティグム
Ability Legalo Stigm
Minimum Damage +1.0%
PP +3
Ability Modulator
Ability ARKS MAX
Ability レガロ・モデュレーナ
Ability Legalo Modulaner
Damage +0.5%
Ability レガロ・ミューテス
Ability Legalo Mutas
Ability レガロ・アルタフリクタ
Ability Legalo Alter Flicter
Ability Returner V Ability レガロ・リターナーⅠⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Returner III
Ability Crack V Ability レガロ・グラクスⅠⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Gracks III
Damage +1.0%
Damage Resistance +1.0%
HP +30
PP +3
Ability Doom Break I
Ability Doom Break II
Ability Doom Break III
Ability レガロ・ドゥムブレイグ
Ability Legalo Dom Breag
Damage +0.5%
PP +3
Ability Mark Angar Ability レガロ・マークシス
Ability Legalo Marksys
Damage +0.5%
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Ability Divine Will
Ability Divine Order
Ability レガロ・ディバイゾ
Ability Legalo Divinzo
Damage +1.0%
HP +20
PP +3
Ability レガロ・ファクタルスⅠ
Ability Legalo Factols I
Ability Ether Factor Ability レガロ・ファクタルスⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Factols II
Damage +1.0%
Minimum Damage +1.0%
Damage Resistance +1.0%
HP +10
PP +2
Ability Any Reverie Ability Ability レガロ・レヴリージⅠ
Ability Legalo Reveriej I
Damage +0.5%
Ability Mana Reverie Ability レガロ・レヴリージⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Reveriej II
Damage +1.0%
HP +20
PP +3
Ability レガロ・グレアスⅠ
Ability Legalo Glares I
Ability Absolute Glare Ability レガロ・グレアスⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo Glares II
Damage +1.0%
Damage Resistance +1.0%
HP +20
PP +2
Ability Another History Ability レガロ・ヒストーレ
Ability Legalo Historie
Ability Lucky Rise I
Ability Lucky Rise II
Ability Lucky Rise III
Ability レガロ・フォーチュナ
Ability Legalo Fortuna
Damage +0.5%
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Damage Resistance +0.5%
Ability Sentence Power
Ability Sentence Shoot
Ability Sentence Tech
Ability Sentence Arma
Ability Sentence Tiro
Ability Sentence Magi
Ability Sentence Triple
Ability レガロ・センテンシォ
Ability Legalo Sentenco
Damage +0.5%
HP +10
PP +1
Ability Phrase Weak
Ability Phrase Decay
Ability Phrase Recovery
Ability Phrase Response
AbilityPhrase Chase
Ability Phrase Reduce
Ability レガロ・フレイザ
Ability Legalo Phrasa
Damage +1.0%
PP +3
Ability Any Receptor Ability Ability レガロ・レセプタン
Ability Legalo Receptorn
Damage +0.5%
Minimum Damage +0.5%
Damage Resistance +0.5%
S-Class Damage-type SSAs Ability レガロ・SアタックⅠ
Ability Legalo S Attack I
Damage +1.0%
S-Class S1:Augment Intent 2 Ability レガロ・SアタックⅠⅠ
Ability Legalo S Attack II
Damage +2.0%
S-Class Defense-type SSAs Ability レガロ・Sガード
Ability Legalo S Guard
S-Class PP-type SSAs Ability レガロ・Sパフォーマ
Ability Legalo S Performer
PP Cost Reduction +5.0%
S-Class S4:Raising Pursuit Ability レガロ・Sアベンダ
Ability Legalo S Avender
Upon hitting with a PA/Technique, track 50% of damage dealt within the next five seconds, and add additional damage to the next PA/Technique based on the damage dealt.
S-Class S8:Sky Dance's Boon Ability レガロ・Sレヴィート
Ability Legalo S Levit
Damage +2.0%/Damage Resistance +2.0% while airborne.

Release Potential

If this works like Potential Unlocking in PSO2, then is will be a way to unlock Potentials on weapons.

Certain weapons have inherent properties called Potentials which can be considered as an additional skill for the player, so long as the weapon is equipped and drawn out; they range from damage buffs, to utility skills like improving healing items.

No potentials are known yet.

PSO2 Weapon Potentials

New Type weapons imported from Phantasy Star Online 2 that have unlocked Potentials will have their Potentials converted into equivalent New Genesis Potentials. These changes are temporary and the original Potentials will remain upon returning to Phantasy Star Online 2.

Original Series NGS Potential
15 Lightweaver Cras Series Potential.png 連撃の型

15 Adel Series
15 Seiros Series
15 Fimbul Series
Potential.png 利運の型

15 Liberate Series
15 Legacy Weapon Series
Potential.png 傾覆の型

15 Lightstream Xion Series Potential.png 気精の型

15 Atlas Ex Series Potential.png 堅忍の型

15 Austere-NT Series Potential.png 理発の型

Any 13 to 14 Weapon Potential.png 攻の基本型Ⅲ


You can combine two weapons of different types together to create a "Multi-weapon", a special weapon that allows for the use of both weapons from one weapon pallette.