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S-Class Special Ability (Weapons) (PSO2)

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S-Class Special Ability, otherwise known as Super Special Ability, is a type of Special Ability that can be affixed by using specific Weapons as Affixing materials. By affixing S-Class Special Abilities, one can customize their weapon with powerful Potential-like attributes and bonuses.


S-Class Special Abilities are Abilities with effects similar to that of Potentials. You can affix S-Class Special Abilities to Weapons that support S-Class Special Abilities, denoted by a purple border surrounding the weapon's icon.

To transfer an S-Class Special Ability, you must be using a base weapon compatible with S-Class Special Abilities, as well as affixing components with S-Class Special Abilities affixed to them or in possession of a Special Ability Factor that grants an S-Class Special Ability. S-Class Special Abilities can be transferred without the use of additional components or Abilities; in addition, S-Class Special Abilities have a 100% rate of transfer and are unaffected by the Extra Slot penalty.

S-Class Special Abilities are divided into six tiers: S1 through S6. You can only affix a single S-Class Special Ability of the same tier on the same Weapon; for example, you may not affix two Abilities with the same designation of "S4" on the same Weapon. In addition, you can only affix S-Class Special Abilities to Weapons that can accommodate the S-Class tier you are affixing; for example, you cannot affix any S4 tier S-Class Special Abilities on a Val Series weapon, as it does not have a slot for S4 S-Class Special Abilities.

List of S-Class Special Abilities

S1 Tier

光子縮減 Reduce PP consumption by 7%.
輝勢の恵 Increases Automatic PP Recovery by 20%.
時流活与 Recover 5% of your maximum HP at regular intervals.
妙技の巧 Increase Critical Hit Rate by 15%.
剛撃の志 Increase damage by 2%.

S2 Tier

光子縮減 Reduce PP consumption by 10%.
輝剰の撃 Increase Attack PP Recovery by 17%.
時流活与 Recover 60% of your maximum HP at regular intervals.
妙技の巧 Increase Critical Hit Rate by 12%.
瞬撃繚乱 Increase the power of Just Attacks by 3%.

S3 Tier

時流活与 Recover 40% of your maximum HP at regular intervals.
輝流の撃 Increase Attack PP Recovery by 20%.
輝勢の恵 Increase Automatic PP Recovery by 17%.
妙撃の志 Increase Critical Hit Damage by 4%.

S4 Tier

瞬護輝与 Recover PP when successfully performing a Just Guard.
鋼の決意 If struck by an attack that would incapacitate you, survive the attack with 1 HP. Does not activate if HP is at 1. Activates once per Quest.
輝器応変 Increase PP regeneration based on maximum PP.
正対の巧 While in Brave Stance, increase Critical Hit Rate by 30% when attacking an enemy's front.
鎌風重吹 Increase Kamaitachi duration by 4 seconds.
賢勇両撃 While in Wise Stance, increase damage dealt when attacking an enemy's front by 15%.
奪命の撃 When attacking, restore 1% of damage dealt as HP (30 HP MAX).
刃機放縮 Decrease rate of Gear Gauge depletion while Katana Gear is active.
変素応輪 The active Element of the Weapon changes to that of the currently equipped "Guard" Skill Ring.
静の胆力 After standing still for a certain period of time, gain resistance to knockback and stagger.
輝剰の罠 Increase PP regenerated by Tactics Trap by 20%.
鎖動強身 When Chain Trigger is activated, gain invincibility for 5 seconds.
迅弓の撃 When in Rapid Shoot, increase damage by 3% when equipped with a Bullet Bow.
摂理洗練 Increase the potency of Element Conversion.
回路輪転 Decrease the Recast Time of Photon Flare by 20%.
短杖強打 Increase the damage of Wand Normal Attacks.
支援限長 The maximum duration of Shifta and Deband becomes 120 seconds.

S5 Tier

S6 Tier