Partners (PSO2)

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There are three types of partners: NPC Partners, Friend Partners, and Support Partners

NPC Partners

NPC Name Gender Race Class Equip Photon Arts Skills Nature Trait Inclination Requirement
Zeno 01.png ゼノ


Male Human [Hunter] [Ranger] [Sword] [Gunslash] [Sword] Cruel Throw [Sword] Nova Strike

[Sword] Twister Fall [Gunslash] Aiming Shot

[Hunter] War Cry Senior Braves Adversity Fiery Complete his client order: [Killing Time on Naberius]
Zeno 02.png ゼノ


Male Human [Ranger] [Hunter] [Gunslash] [Gunslash] Aiming Shot [Hunter] War Cry Senior Braves Adversity Fiery Complete the EP2 story chapter: [The Day of Resurrection]
Echo.png エコー


Female Newman [Force] [Techer] [Rod] [Fire] Shifta [Ice] Deband [Lightning] Zonde

[Light] Anti [Light] Resta

Clumsy Tiny Crusher Human Lover Complete her client order: [Seeking the Trivial]
Echo 02.png エコー


Female Newman [Hunter] [Force] [Sword] [Gunslash] [Sword] Cruel Throw [Sword] Nova Strike

[Sword] Twister Fall [Gunslash] Aiming Shot

[Hunter] War Cry Clumsy Tiny Crusher Human Lover Complete the EP2 story chapter: [His Will Inherited]
Echo 03.png エコー


Female Newman [Force] [Hunter] [Rod] [Gunslash] [Fire] Shifta [Ice] Deband [Lightning] Zonde [Lightning] Ilzonde

[Light] Anti [Light] Resta [Gunslash] Aiming Shot

[Hunter] War Cry Clumsy Tiny Crusher Human Lover Complete from Matter Board EP3-1: [D-1: Seek an Event Field]