Titles (PSO2)
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Player Titles | Item Titles | Quest Titles | Character Titles | Community Titles | Crafting Titles |
Title Count
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
新人アークス ARKS Recruit |
Available from the start | Photon Drop x3 |
中堅アークス Experienced ARKS |
Acquire 10 titles | Tri Boost +50% x2 |
ベテランアークス Veteran ARKS |
Acquire 100 titles | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
マスターアークス Master ARKS |
Acquire 200 titles | Tri Boost +100% x2 |
秀抜アークス Excellent ARKS |
Acquire 300 titles | Tri Boost +100% x3 |
筆頭アークス Chief ARKS |
Acquire 400 titles | Tri Boost +100% x4 |
アークス代表 ARKS Representative |
Acquire 500 titles | Rear / Whitill Wing x1 |
白の守護輝士 | Acquire 600 titles | 200 Star Gems |
白銀の守護輝士 | Acquire 700 titles | 200 Star Gems |
Defeated Enemies
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
ルーキー Rookie |
Defeat 500 enemies | Photon Crystal x3 |
ベテラン Veteran |
Defeat 2,500 enemies | Photon Crystal x5 |
エース Ace |
Defeat 5,000 enemies | Photon Sphere x3 |
ベルセルク Berserk |
Defeat 10,000 enemies | Photon Sphere x5 |
ローヘリオン Low Hellion |
Defeat 25,000 enemies | Photon Sphere x10 |
ヴァンガード Vanguard |
Defeat 100,000 enemies | Excube x3 |
デトネイター Detonator |
Defeat 250,000 enemies | Excube x5 |
エクスキューショナー Executioner |
Defeat 1,000,000 enemies | Excube x10 |
ワールドブレイカー World Breaker |
Defeat 5,000,000 enemies | Grind Success Rate +100% x1 |
Class Level
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
怒れる戦士 Enraged Warrior |
Reach Lv30 as a Hunter | Alva Breaker |
万象の守護者 Protector of the Universe |
Reach Lv50 as a Hunter | Vita Breaker |
銀河の守神 Galactic Guardian Deity |
Reach Lv60 as a Hunter | Red Sword |
天壌の防人 Heavenly Soldier |
Reach Lv70 as a Hunter | Blue Partizan |
天壌の衛士 Heavenly Defender |
Reach Lv75 as a Hunter | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
華麗なる射手 Brilliant Marksman |
Reach Lv30 as a Ranger | Alva Blaster |
星を撃ち貫く者 Star Sniper |
Reach Lv50 as a Ranger | Vita Blaster |
銀河の射手 Galactic Shooter |
Reach Lv60 as a Ranger | Red Rifle |
天壌の狙撃手 Heavenly Sniper |
Reach Lv70 as a Ranger | Blue Launcher |
天壌の射撃手 Heavenly Gunman |
Reach Lv75 as a Ranger | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
輝ける導士 Shining Conductor |
Reach Lv30 as a Force | Alva Piler |
煌めきを抱く者 Twinkling Star |
Reach Lv50 as a Force | Vita Piler |
銀河の紡ぎ手 Galactic Weaver |
Reach Lv60 as a Force | Red Rod |
天壌の織師 | Reach Lv70 as a Force | Blue Rod |
天壌の紡師 | Reach Lv75 as a Force | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
瞬迅なる闘士 Blink Brawler |
Reach Lv30 as a Fighter | Alva Double Pallasch |
閃光を越えし者 Faster Than Light |
Reach Lv50 as a Fighter | Vita Double Pallasch |
銀河の闘神 Galactic War Deity |
Reach Lv60 as a Fighter | Red Double Saber |
天壌の闘将 | Reach Lv70 as a Fighter | Blue Twin Dagger |
天壌の戦神 Heavenly Wargod |
Reach Lv75 as a Fighter | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
硝煙を纏う銃士 Gunsmoke Hitman |
Reach Lv30 as a Gunner | Alva Twin Repeater |
双銃の寵愛者 Dual Gun Enthusiast |
Reach Lv50 as a Gunner | Vita Twin Repeater |
銀河の輪舞者 Galactic Rondo |
Reach Lv60 as a Gunner | Red Machinegun |
天壌の撃ち手 Heavenly Shooter |
Reach Lv70 as a Gunner | Blue Machinegun |
天壌の覇者 Heavenly Gunner |
Reach Lv75 as a Gunner | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
仁慈の術士 Benevolent Techer |
Reach Lv30 as a Techer | Alva Baton |
領域の統率者 Territory Commander |
Reach Lv50 as a Techer | Vita Baton |
銀河の繰り手 | Reach Lv60 as a Techer | Red Wand |
天壌の舞踏者 | Reach Lv70 as a Techer | Blue Wand |
天壌の表現者 | Reach Lv75 as a Techer | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
機を知る達人 Mechanical Expert |
Reach Lv30 as a Braver | Alva Quadrapt |
刹那を見切りし者 Momentary Abandonment |
Reach Lv50 as a Braver | Vita Quadrapt |
銀河の練達者 Galactic Expert |
Reach Lv60 as a Braver | Red Bullet Bow |
天壌の熟練者 Heavenly Dexter |
Reach Lv70 as a Braver | Blue Bullet Bow |
天壌の技巧者 Heavenly Finesse |
Reach Lv75 as a Braver | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
流麗なる跳躍者 Graceful Dancer |
Reach Lv30 as a Bouncer | Alva Jet Boots |
双撃の急襲者 Dual Wielding Attacker |
Reach Lv50 as a Bouncer | Vita Jet Boots |
銀河の解放者 Galactic Liberator |
Reach Lv60 as a Bouncer | Red Jet Boots |
天壌の援護者 Heavenly Relief |
Reach Lv70 as a Bouncer | Blue Jet Boots |
天壌の追撃者 Heavenly Pursuer |
Reach Lv75 as a Bouncer | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
自在なる導き手 | Reach Lv30 as a Summoner | Experience Gained +50% x1 |
絶巧の導者 | Reach Lv50 as a Summoner | Experience Gained +100% x1 |
銀河の指揮者 | Reach Lv60 as a Summoner | Tri Boost +50% x1 |
天壌の指導者 | Reach Lv70 as a Summoner | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
天壌の司令官 | Reach Lv75 as a Summoner | Excube x1 All classes receive the following increase on their base stats:
Pet Level
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
ワンダマスター Wanda Master |
Raise a Wanda pet to Lv80 | Stability Roll |
トリムマスター Torim Master |
Raise a Torim pet to Lv80 | Support Roll |
サリィマスター Cery Master |
Raise a Cery pet to Lv80 | Substitute Roll |
マロンマスター Maron Master |
Raise a Maron pet to Lv80 | Steadfast Roll |
メロンマスター Melon Master |
Raise a Melon pet to Lv80 | One Layer Pancake |
ラッピーマスター Rappy Master |
Raise a Rappy pet to Lv80 | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
ヴィオラマスター Viola Master |
Raise a Viola pet to Lv80 | One Layer Pancake |
シンクロウマスター シンクロウ Master |
Raise a シンクロウ pet to Lv80 | Lucky Crepe |
ジンガマスター Zinga Master |
Raise a Zinga pet to Lv80 | Megaton Parfait |
エアロマスター Aero Master |
Raise an Aero pet to Lv80 | Daredevil Parfait |
ポップルマスター Popple Master |
Raise a Popple pet to Lv80 | Bolster Parfait |
Pet Training
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
新入りブリーダー | Raise 1 Pet to Lv80 | Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x1 |
有名ブリーダー | Raise 2 Pets to Lv80 | Lucky Crepe x1 |
有名ブリーダー | Raise 3 Pets to Lv80 | Lucky Crepe x1 |
Rare Enemies Defeated
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
メセタ長者 Meseta Millionaire |
Defeat 1 Mesetan | Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x3 |
驚嘆の開封者 Opener of Wonder |
Defeat 1 Mr. Umblla | Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x3 |
雷虎を討ちし者 Lightning Beast Slayer |
Defeat 1 Tagamikazuchi | Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x3 |
ボクと勝負ニャウ! | Defeat 1 Nyau | Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x3 |
Bosses Defeated
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
歪精を討ちし者 Conqueror of Distortion |
Defeat 1 Anga Fundarge | Excube x1 |
歪精の討伐者 Subjugator of Distortion |
Defeat 50 Anga Fundarge | Grind Risk Reduction (+2) x1 |
歪精を狩る者 Hunter of Distortion |
Defeat 100 Anga Fundarge | Grind Risk Reduction (+2) x2 |
極化鳥を討ちし者 Conqueror of Avian Apparitions |
Defeat 1 Diabo Igrithys | Excube x1 |
極化鳥の討伐者 Subjugator of Avian Apparitions |
Defeat 50 Diabo Igrithys | Grind Risk Reduction (+2) x1 |
極化鳥を狩る者 Hunter of Avian Apparitions |
Defeat 100 Diabo Igrithys | Grind Risk Reduction (+2) x2 |
極重塞を討ちし者 Conqueror of Mobile Strongholds |
Defeat 1 Zeta Guranz | Yurlungur Crystal x5 |
極重塞の討伐者 Subjugator of Mobile Strongholds |
Defeat 50 Zeta Guranz | Yurlungur Crystal x10 |
極重塞を狩る者 Hunter of Mobile Strongholds |
Defeat 100 Zeta Guranz | Yurlungur Crystal x30 |
極機獣を討ちし者 Conqueror of Mechanical Beasts |
Defeat 1 Falke Leone | Yurlungur Crystal x5 |
極機獣の討伐者 Subjugator of Mechanical Beasts |
Defeat 50 Falke Leone | Yurlungur Crystal x10 |
極機獣を狩る者 Hunter of Mechanical Beasts |
Defeat 100 Falke Leone | Yurlungur Crystal x30 |
極砲獣を討ちし者 Conqueror of Wild Artillery |
Defeat 1 Vilma Leopard | Yurlungur Crystal x5 |
極砲獣の討伐者 Subjugator of Wild Artillery |
Defeat 50 Vilma Leopard | Yurlungur Crystal x10 |
極砲獣を狩る者 Hunter of Wild Artillery |
Defeat 100 Vilma Leopard | Yurlungur Crystal x30 |
悪神を止める者 Supressor of Evil Gods |
Defeat 1 Magatsu | Photon Sphere x3 |
悪神を討つ者 Destroyer of Evil Gods |
Defeat 50 Magatsu | Photon Sphere x4 |
悪神を祓う者 Purifier of Evil Gods |
Defeat 100 Magatsu | Photon Sphere x5 |
深き闇を討つ者 Destroyer of Latent Darkness |
Defeat 1 Profound Darkness | Profound Caligula Fragment x5 |
深き闇を解き放つ者 Releaser of Latent Darkness |
Defeat 10 Profound Darkness | Profound Caligula Fragment x15 |
深遠を越える光 Light That Surpasses Darkness |
Defeat 30 Profound Darkness | Profound Caligula Fragment x30 |
群闇を討つ者 | Defeat 1 Dark Falz Apprentice Gia | Torana Fragment x5 |
群闇の討滅者 | Defeat 10 Dark Falz Apprentice Gia | Torana Fragment x10 |
群闇を鎮めし者 | Defeat 30 Dark Falz Apprentice Gia | Torana Fragment x15 |
幻創戦艦を止める者 | Defeat 1 Phantom Battleship Yamato | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
幻創戦艦を鎮めし者 | Defeat 10 Phantom Battleship Yamato | Tri Boost +100% x2 |
幻創戦艦を制する者 | Defeat 30 Phantom Battleship Yamato | Tri Boost +100% x3 |
幻創戦艦を止める者 | Defeat 1 Phantom Battleship Yamato | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
幻創戦艦を止める者 | Defeat 10 Phantom Battleship Yamato | Tri Boost +100% x1 |
極晶龍を討ちし者 | Defeat 1 Gruzoras Drago | Lambda Grinder x1 |
極晶龍の討伐者 | Defeat 50 Gruzoras Drago | Lambda Grinder x5 |
Defeat 100 Gruzoras Drago | Lambda Grinder x9 | |
極騎龍を討ちし者 | Defeat 1 Drago Deadlion | Lambda Grinder x1 |
極騎龍の討伐者 | Defeat 50 Drago Deadlion | Lambda Grinder x5 |
Defeat 100 Drago Deadlion | Lambda Grinder x9 |
NetCafé Connection Time
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
謎の場所先派遣員 | Play from a Net Cafe for a total of 48 hours | 1000 CP Ticket x1 |
謎の場所開拓者 | Play from a Net Cafe for a total of 96 hours | 1000 CP Ticket x3 |
謎の場所特派員 | Play from a Net Cafe for a total of 144 hours | 100 Star Gems |
謎の場所特使 | Play from a Net Cafe for a total of 192 hours | 100 Star Gems |
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
BEGINNING ATTACK | Complete 1 quest in XH difficulty | ★12 Weapon Exchange Pass x1 |
ADVANCED ATTACK | Complete 10 quest in XH difficulty | ★12 Weapon Exchange Pass x1 |
MAXIMUM ATTACK | Complete 30 quest in XH difficulty | ★12 Weapon Exchange Pass x1 |
Compound Techs
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
六属統合者 | Learn Fomelgion, Zandion and Barantsion | Tri Boost +50% |
ARKS Dance Festival
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
ボンダンス参加 Festival Dancer |
Participate in the ARKS Dance Festival once | Lobby Action 194: ARKS Dance |
ARKS Training Center
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
初等訓練生 | Complete all the basic training quests | 10 Star Gems x2 |
Treasure Shop
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
トレジャーハンター Treasure Hunter |
Buy something at the Treasure Shop | 10 Star Gems |
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
ライドオン Ride On |
Use a Rideroid | 5 Star Gems |