Featured Quests
Featured Quests are a Quest Type that rotates its fourth featured quest among 5 different quests sequentially as of the point of writing, that are generally known for high exp yields and high Weapons Badge quest clear rewards on specific days. As long as you are a party leader, the quest can be retaken at the gateship exit via retry even after the daily reset, allowing one to prolong running the quest indefinitely until one exits the quest.
By clearing a Featured Quest with the present icon on at least A rank, a present can be received at the gateship after the quest result screen, that can grant manner of rewards that include Bonus Keys such as Tokyo, Magatsu, Rappy and Izane Bonus Keys, excluding Rainbow Keys which are campaigns and events exclusives. The difficulty of the Featured Quest does not affect the present rewards, thus the Featured Quests can be done on Normal difficulty if one desires. It should be noted that the present is only given if the quest is taken with the icon on it; clearing a mission just before it becomes a Featured Quest the next day does not count towards present eligibility. Partying with a player that has the flower icon next to their name indicating they are a returning player with a returning player boost (this icon can be hidden by the returning player however) also grants doubled rolls of Featured Quest present rewards.
Featured Quests are unique in that even if you have not unlocked the quests by doing the relevant free fields, you are still able to access the quests featured in them, although this feature has been made mostly redundant as story progression and field unlocks are now account wide.
The day is
The featured quest is
Chaotic Tranquility
Chaotic Tranquility | The Piper of Disharmony | The Menacing Castle | Chaotic Silence | A World Engulfed in Shadows |