Lightning Techniques (PSO2)

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Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Compound


  • Possesses serviceable damage, but poor efficiency without the usage of PP cost reduction Skills like Force's Bolt Tech PP Save or Hero's All Tech PP Save. Lightning can ratchet up to a solid DPP state if PP cost reduction effects are used in tandem with Efficient Crafts found on the majority of Lightning Techs.
  • Largely focused on crowd control or otherwise the ability to hit multiple targets at a time; however, access to Zonde Type-0 gives Lightning a surprisingly solid option against bosses.
  • Utility Techs include Zondeel, which has the ability to draw enemies affected by it to the point of casting origin, and Ilzonde, which can be alternatively used as a method of fast travel.
  • Lightning can inflict the Shock status. While Shocked, an enemy will occasionally stagger, interrupting any action they were performing.


Name Description
Basic lightning technique. Charges photons to summon a bolt of lightning in any location.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop: Force Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 429 434 439 444 449 454 459 464 469 474 479 484 489 494 499 504 509
Status (%) 20 21 22
PP Cost 20
Video Accuracy (%) 100%
Link Charge 1.00

  • Basic lightning tech. Summons a lightning bolt from the sky to strike the target at range.
    • Hits once for 100% power around a small blast radius, and 110% power at the center.
    • Its max range is about 35 metres when charged, half that when uncharged. Unlike Techs such as Grants or Rafoie, Zonde won't pass over or through obstacles standing in front of the target.
    • Has both a horizontal and vertical hitbox. Attack sequencing unfolds from top to bottom vertically, and from the centre outwards horizontally.

Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Concentrated 1 Charge Time -0.30~0.10s PP Cost +3~10
2 Charge Time -0.40~0.20s Status Effect Rate -20~10%
3 Charge Time -0.45~0.25s Status Effect Rate -15~5%
Efficient 1 PP Cost -6~1 Power -40~20% Status Effect Rate +10%
2 PP Cost -7~1 Power -35~15% Status Effect Rate +11%
3 PP Cost -7~1 Power -30~10% Status Effect Rate +12%

Concentrated Zonde

  • Shortens charge time while increasing PP consumption (level 1) or reducing status chance (level 2 and 3).
  • Level 2 and 3 are preferred for this customisation, as lowering status chance is generally of little consequence.
  • A good craft and a fully upgraded Tech Charge Parry ring can ensure Just Guard protection for the duration of the charge.
  • PP consumption skills (Force and Talis-Hero) are heavily recommended for this craft, as the frequent casting will put a lot of strain on PP.

Efficient Zonde

  • Reduces PP consumption and power while increasing status chance.
  • Preferable for use outside of dedicated Forces and Heroes, or for those focusing on status.
  • When coupled with Bolt Tech PP Save PP usage can be reduced to as low as 6PP per cast. However, the loss of power and cast speed compared to the Concentrated version will ultimately result in a loss of damage output.

Zonde Type 0

Name Stat +1 +10 +16 +17 Charge Obtain List Description
Zonde Type 0
? ? ? 2268
1.25 sec. Rains multiple lightning bolts on your target in a small area. (unofficial description)
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Type 0 Power +0~226% PP +0~10

  • Causes multiple lightning strikes at the targeted area. Player movement is locked during charging.
  • Generates a targeting reticule during charging, similar to Ilfoie. With a Talis, however, the strike occurs at the position of the thrown Talis.
  • Releasing the tech at a higher position than an enemy results in a damage increase of about 9.5%.
    • This is affected only by the position of the player. The height of a thrown Talis has no effect, and only the player's position will be used for calculating the increase.
  • The opening strikes have frequent hit stops, and the final bolt packs a knockdown effect, making this an effective tactical Tech for delaying enemy movement and knocking down aerial enemies.
  • There is a delay between releasing the Tech and the resulting strike, growing longer as the distance between the target and player increases. Due to the radius of the strike (approximately 3 metres), however, it's still very likely to connect with moving enemies.
  • While Type-0 keeps Zonde's top-to-bottom attack judgement, the horizontal damage is equal across the entire radius.
  • Uncharged results in only 3 lesser strikes and a smaller attack radius.


Name Description
Intermediate lightning technique. Release an electric shock that spreads from target to target.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop: Force Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 313 316 319 322 325 328 331 334 337 340 343 346 349 352 355 787 905
Status (%) 20 21 22
PP Cost 28
Video Accuracy (%) 100%
Link Charge 1.00 Sec
  • Fires a bolt of lightning that jumps to nearby targets if it connects.
    • The hits, despite how its animation looks, are not instantaneous. The further away the target is from the initial casting/ jump point, the longer it takes for a hit to register seemingly. Unlike other projectiles, it seems to have a fixed travel time proportional to how far away a target is to its max range. The max delay is up to about half a second.
    • It's similar to how Ilmegid behaves, but more "instantaneous" and without projectile turn radius issues.
    • The max range of Gizonde's initial hit is about 30m. Uncharged is about half that. Note though The "projectile" has a very small hit radius.
    • Despite the animation playing out to about 40m (20m uncharged) if free aimed, I could not get any hit to register at that distance, let alone at roughly 25-30m consistently, on a large target. I can only assume the total distance the technique can travel is about 40m. Whether or not it actually hits anything in its 40m is a complete tossup.
    • If you hit a nearby group of targets, Gizonde can hit several/ all of them. A further group of targets may only hit the targeted enemy, if it does at all.
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Supercharged 1 Power +40~80% PP Cost +3~10
2 Power +80~120% PP Cost +2~9 Charge Time -0.10s
3 Power +90~130% Status Effect Rate -20~10% Charge Time -0.10s
Efficient 1 PP Cost -6~1 Power -30~10% Status Effect Rate +10%
2 PP Cost -7~1 Power -25~10% Status Effect Rate +11%
3 PP Cost -8~1 Power -20~8% Status Effect Rate +12%


  • Largely beneficial; status rate decrease is a non-issue and a Charge Time reduction is tacked on as a bonus effect.
  • Supercharged 3 increases damage by 9.9~14.4% when used with a Lv. 17 Gizonde.


  • Like Zonde and Razonde, this makes Gizonde cost less PP, be slightly weaker, and increases its status effect rate. There is no real downside, and can make it more usable with a good craft. However, it's still notably higher in PP cost with its best possible craft compared to the previously mentioned techniques if efficient crafted.


Name Description
Intermediate lightning technique. Generates a sphere of electricity, which shocks its surroundings.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop: Force Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 631 638 645 652 659 666 673 680 687 694 701 708 715 722 729 736 743
Status (%) 20% 21% 22%
PP Cost 24
Video Accuracy (%) 100%
Link Charge 1.50 Sec
  • The sphere generated creates a conic hit area beneath its cast location.
  • Thus, throwing a talis into the sky allows Razonde to hit a far larger area. You can also jump up before casting with a rod, but its area of effect still isn't that great.
    • There is a limit to how large of a cone is created though. Experiment with this yourself to get the most range out of it and/or hit targets' weakpoints.
      • When I tested it, I felt the max height is about 18-20m (enemy hitboxes aside). The talis' max range is about 30m in a given direction and takes just over a second to get there. (I estimate 25 speed). So stop it a bit later than half way (/ half a second) if aiming high up.
  • A maximum of 8 targets can be hit per cast.
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Supercharged 1 Power +20~40% Status Effect Rate -30~10%
2 Power +40~60% Status Effect Rate -25~10% Charge Time -0.10s
3 Power +50~70% Status Effect Rate -20~10% Charge Time -0.10s
Efficient 1 PP Cost -6~1 Power -30~20% Status Effect Rate +10%
2 PP Cost -7~1 Power -25~15% Status Effect Rate +11%
3 PP Cost -7~1 Power -20~12% Status Effect Rate +15%


  • Supercharged3 has no downside if you're a lightning force. You have several other options for causing status effect if you need it. Of course, then there's...


  • Very little downside here too, if any at all. You can apply status while making PP cost close to nothing. The main reason not to get this is that you don't want status to be applied (which may be desirable over shock).


Name Description
Intermediate lightning technique. Plant an electrical sphere inside the target, leaving it vulnerable to other lightning attacks.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop: Force Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 642 649 656 663 670 677 684 691 698 705 712 719 726 733 740 747 754
Status (%) 20% 21% 22%
PP Cost 23
Video Accuracy (%) 100
Link Charge 1.00 Sec
  • Doesn't do anything on its own after hitting its target (or a target that may be in the way).
  • Must be hit by a different lightning tech to "detonate" it, causing it to do damage.
    • The charged projectile stays on a target undetonated for about 4 seconds. Detonating it in this time will allow it to do its full number of hits.
  • Does 2 hits if uncharged, 4 hits if charged.
    • Each tick is slow, and doesn't do the highest DPS. Reasonably PP efficient once detonated though.
  • The max range of the projectile itself is about 140M if charged, 100M if uncharged. The projectile lives for 2 seconds charged or uncharged. Therefore, the projectile's speed is 70 if charged, 50 if uncharged.
    • The longest reliable ranged lightning techniques has a distance of about 35M. Unless sazonde is already detonated and the target holds still, you're very unlikely to get it to work at that large of a distance.
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Swift 1 Speed +20.00~40.00 PP Cost +1~8 Status Effect Rate +15%
2 Speed +30.00~50.00 Status Effect Rate -20~10% PP Cost -3
3 Speed +35.00~55.00 Status Effect Rate -15~5% PP Cost -4
Supercharged 1 Power +10~30% Speed -40.00~10.00
2 Power +160~200% Speed -45.00~38.00
3 Power +200~240% Speed -50.00~45.00


  • Unfortunately, while this could be more effective as a single target status effect, only Swift1 increases the status effect rate while increasing the PP cost.
  • Swift3 does make it more PP efficient at least, and with a lightning force build, is 9 PP each per cast.
  • The speed and effective max range of the projectile is increased by 50~78.6% if charged, 70~110% uncharged.


  • The lowered speed will make hitting your target much more difficult.
  • At level 17 and with Supercharged3, damage is increased by 26.5~31.8%.
    • This also lowers the projectile speed and effective max distance by 64.3~71.4% if charged, 90~100% uncharged.
      • Yes, it really does make the uncharged speed at fastest half the speed of charged Megid, an already slow projectile. Not that you would use it in this condition anyway.


Name Description
Advanced lightning technique. Charge yourself with electricity and release it as a powerful electric field. Mash button to increase electricity.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Zoron Goraal Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 3000 3035 3070 3105 3140 3175 3210 3245 3280 3315 3350 3385 3420 3455 3490 3525 3560
Status (%) 15 16 17
PP Cost 35
Video Accuracy (%) 100
Link Charge -
  • Holds you in place as you use this technique. Will keep you in the air (even if used with a thrown talis).
    • Since it generates a sphere, it does hit all around you/ the cast location.
  • You cannot mirage escape out early. You also are completely vulnerable while it's going and for a moment after the hits stop.
    • However, you can stay a bit safer by using it with a talis, since it will then surround the thrown talis instead.
  • As in the description, pressing buttons after it's activated extends its duration. Each button press resets the time before it will stop. It lasts for about a second if you don't touch anything, up to about 5 seconds if uncharged, and up to approximately 8 seconds if charged. So if you tap a button every half a second, you should get the full duration
    • You can get one hit about every 0.5s. You can get a maximum of about 11 hits when uncharged, 16 hits uncharged. There is also a stronger close range hit on its activation.
      • Each hit does about 6% of the listed power when charged. The hit on activation does 10% of the listed power charged. Uncharged is around 2% of the listed power for each hit.
    • The sphere's range is a bit less than what Zondeel's charged range is. The range is also approximately 1.5 times as large when charged versus uncharged.
  • While it's active, Charge PP Revival doesn't work.
  • While Nazonde is PP efficient, its DPS isn't that high and leaves you open to all attacks. There's better options compared to this.
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Supercharged 1 Power +10~20% PP Cost +3~10
2 Power +30~50% PP Cost +2~9
3 Power +50~70% PP Cost +2~8
Concentrated 1 Charge Time -0.30s~0.10s Power -30~10%
2 Charge Time -0.40s~0.20s Power -20~10%
3 Charge Time -0.50s~0.20s Power -15~5%


  • While the PP cost does increase, you do not regenerate any PP while in the middle of Nazonde's casting animatino anyway. It's mostly negligible, however...
  • At level 17 and with Supercharged3, damage is increased by 1.4~2.0%. This power increase is also fairly negligible.


  • While this doesn't help Nazonde do more DPS, it does allow you to charge it again faster after it expires. The power loss is insignificant (not even 0.5% of the total damage will be lost with the worst possible demerit).
    • This would technically allow you to do slightly more DPS being able to re-cast it again faster. Given the utility of being able to charge a tech faster, I'd recommend this one if you must have a craft.


Name Description
Advanced lightning technique. Uses photons to electrify the user, turning them into a lightning bird and charging forward.
Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
SH Advance Quest: Sub. Tunnels Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
Power (%) 365 369 373 377 381 385 389 393 397 401 405 409 413 417 421 425 429
Status (%) 15 16 17
PP Cost 25
Video Accuracy (%) 100
Link Charge 0.70 Sec
  • You can pass through enemies with this tech, but not walls.
  • You can use this in mid air to maintain height. This can let you skip traps in say Amduscia.
  • Can be useful in putting distance between yourself and a target if you need some breathing room.
  • Ilzonde's specific movement distance is 17.75M charged, 12.75M uncharged.
    • Safoie Type 0 is exactly 15M charged, very close to 10.75M uncharged.
    • For further reference, rough testing says at max normal run speed, you move about 100M in 9 seconds.
Craft type Merit Demerit Special
Supercharged 1 Power +80~120% Charge Time +0.20~0.50s
2 Power +120~160% Charge Time +0.15~0.45s
3 Power +130~170% Charge Time +0.10~0.40s
Concentrated 1 Charge Time -0.20s~0.10s Status Effect Rate -20~10%
2 Charge Time -0.25s~0.15s Status Effect Rate -20~10%
3 Charge Time -0.30s~0.20s Status Effect Rate -20~10%


  • At level 17 and with Supercharged3, damage is increased by 30.3~39.6% per cast.
    • Note the default charge time is 0.7s, so it will still charge faster than most techs.


  • The lowered charge time allows you to use this technique to "dash", or move faster than the default running speed.
    • Note it will drain your PP quite fast, especially if you aren't armed with a lightning build. However, if you have PP Convert, Ketos Proi, or the Super Treatment buff active, it alleviates most or all of the issue if you're a force.
      • Alternatively, holding an Atol Orbit will give you practically "infinite" Ilzonde dash thanks to Potential.png Urgent Maneuver 1, as Gunslashes do not unsheathe when casting. This enables you to gain back most of the PP spent charging the Tech, which as a fo/te, gives you a natural PP regeneration rate of 21 PP/s (possibly ~22PP/s if you have the orbit series SpecialAbilityIcon.PNG Phrase Response special ability factor on it).

        • Makes it better as a "quick escape" option if a particularly nasty mob is chasing you (such as in an Ultimate Quest).


        Name Description
        Basic lightning technique. Generates an electromagnetic field to draw in multiples targets. Strike the field with an electro-shock for an additional effect.
        Drop Table Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
        Common Drop:Bouncer
        Req. T-ATK 96 100 150 210 240 288 308 324 332 374 394 402 430 440 455 470 485
        Power (%) 478 483 488 493 498 503 508 513 518 523 528 533 538 543 548 553 559
        Status (%) -
        PP Cost 20
        Video Accuracy (%) 100%
        Link Charge 1.00 Sec
        • Mobs in range will be suctioned to the center. No damage is dealt.
          • Heavier mobs, and bosses in particular, are moved to the center more slowly compared to lighter enemies. Some may be too heavy or outright immune to the effect.
            • Examples of immunity are large bosses like dark ragne. Ultimate quest monsters infected with a core also become immune to these effects.
          • Extremely useful in any fixed spawn situation, or a situation where mobs move toward you/ your group.
        • The uncharged field lasts for about 1.5 seconds, has a smaller suction radius, and the suction is a bit weaker. The charged field lasts about 3 seconds.
        • Note that the mobs become densely packed enough that most techs will hit all suctioned mobs. Ragrants is a notable followup technique to use.
        • When hit with a different lightning tech, the field "detonates". This causes it to deal damage and it lose its suction effect.
          • Only your lightning tech can "detonate" the field.
            • If your MAG has the lightning t-atk "shot", it will cause the field to detonate.
          • The Peacekeeper zondeel ring forces zondeel to never detonate.
          • Does 4 hits if a charged field is detonated, and one hit on an uncharged detonated field.
        • For safety, best used in combination with a talis.
          • However, for complete precision (and some spawns may need it), you may want to utilize it with a rod. If you are the first to a spawn, you have enough time to throw off a zondeel safely in most cases. Mobs in Ultimate Quests are typically the most dangerous to try with a rod, but is possible.
        • Is affected by a techer's territory burst (and related skills), on top of lightning PP save.
          • Can be as low as 9 pp per cast
        • Mobs may be suctioned in on others screen and not your screen, and vice versa. Only boss positions are shared; mobs are not.
          • It's best to use zondeel right when/ soon after mobs spawn. This lets you ensure mob positions are still synced. Over time, their positions will be de-synced further.
        • The Potential Potential.png Illusion Technique decreases the Power of Zondeel.

          Craft type Merit Demerit Special
          Supercharged 1 Power +15~40% Charge Time +0.20~0.40s
          2 Power +80~120% Charge Time +0.10~0.30s
          3 Power +120~160% Charge Time +0.10~0.20s
          Fierce 1 Status Effect Rate +10~20% Power -30~10%
          2 Status Effect Rate +10~20% Power -25~5% Range +1.00m
          3 Status Effect Rate +10~20% Power -20~3% Range +1.00m


          • At level 17 and with Supercharged3, damage per cast is increased by 21.5~28.6%.
            • Note the charge time increases though, so dps gained isn't that high.


          • The increased range will help with mob gathering. The loss of power is negligible as it's primarily used to gather mobs.
          • The increased status effect can also make zondeel good for applying status effect. Primarily notable in XQs with a status effect stage order.
          Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Compound