Titles (NGS)/Quest Titles
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Titles: | Player | Enemy | Items | Quest | Task | Communication | Map | Limited Time |
クエスト/Quest | 134 Tasks / 135 Titles
クエスト/Quest (6 Tasks / 6 Titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
即応の共闘者・Ⅰ Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅰ |
5 | Party with one or more other players and complete any quest once. | パーティー Party |
5SG |
即応の共闘者・Ⅱ Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅱ |
5 | Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 30 times. | 協力 Cooperation |
5SG |
即応の共闘者・Ⅲ● Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅲ● |
10 | Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 100 times. | 歓迎 Welcome |
10SG |
盟友の共闘者・Ⅰ Team Co-Fighter Ⅰ |
5 | Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest once. | おなじみ Familiar |
5SG |
盟友の共闘者・Ⅱ Team Co-Fighter Ⅱ |
5 | Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 30 times. | 友情 Friendship |
5SG |
盟友の共闘者・Ⅲ● Team Co-Fighter Ⅲ● |
10 | Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 100 times. | レギュラー Regular |
10SG |
緊急クエスト/Emergency Quest (58 Tasks / 59 Titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
アークスの先導者・Ⅰ ARKS Leader Ⅰ |
5 | Complete any emergency quest once. | 緊急 / etc. Urgency |
5SG |
アークスの先導者・Ⅱ ARKS Leader Ⅱ |
5 | Complete any emergency quest 10 times. | トラブル Trouble |
5SG |
アークスの先導者・Ⅲ ARKS Leader Ⅲ |
5 | Complete any emergency quest 30 times. | デンジャラス Dangerous |
5SG |
アークスの先導者・Ⅳ ARKS Leader Ⅳ |
10 | Complete any emergency quest 100 times. | ハード Hard |
10SG |
アークスの先導者・Ⅴ● ARKS Leader Ⅴ● |
20 | Complete any emergency quest 200 times. | 極 Ultimate |
20SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" once. | ドールズ Dolls |
5SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 10 times. | エマージェンシー Emergency |
5SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | スレイヤー Slayer |
10SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅳ Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. | ファースト First |
5SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅴ Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. | セカンド Second |
5SG |
統制型ドールズ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅵ● Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. | サード Third |
10SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" once. | 炎 Fire |
5SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. | 燃えよ Burn |
5SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | 歴戦 Battle Hardened |
10SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅳ Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. | 土地 Ground |
5SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅴ Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. | 大地 Land |
5SG |
ネクス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅵ● Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. | 大陸 Continent |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. | 仲間 Comrade |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅱ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 15 times. | 人脈 Personal Connections |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅲ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅲ |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 50 times. | 関係 Relation |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅳ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅳ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. | バリア Barrier |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅴ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅴ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 15 times. | 防壁 Bulwark |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:エアリオ・Ⅵ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅵ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 50 times. | 鉄壁 Iron Wall |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の完遂者:エアリオ・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" with an S rank once. | 完封 Shutout |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の生還者:エアリオ・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. | 守護 Protection |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の完遂者:エアリオ・Ⅱ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅱ● |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) with an S rank once. | 堅牢 Sturdy |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の生還者:エアリオ・Ⅱ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅱ● |
5 | Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. | 不倒 Infallible |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". | 大量 Large Quantity |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅱ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". | 数多 Numerous |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅲ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅲ |
10 | Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". | オンパレード Cavalcade |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅳ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). | 番人 Guard |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅴ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅴ |
5 | Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). | 防人 Garrison |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:エアリオ・Ⅵ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅵ● |
10 | Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). | 城主 Lord |
10SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" once. | バイタリティ Vitality |
5SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. | パワー Power |
5SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | エネルギー Energy |
10SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅳ Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. | ロック Rock |
5SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅴ Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. | ジャズ Jazz |
5SG |
スナイダル・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅵ● Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. | メタル Metal |
10SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" once. | 広大 Vast |
5SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. | でかい Huge |
5SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | ワイド Wide |
10SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅳ Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. | 眼 Eye |
5SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅴ Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. | 睨む Glare |
5SG |
レヌス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅵ● Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. | 眼光 Eagle Eyed |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:リテム・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" once. | 義勇兵 Volunteer Soldier |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:リテム・Ⅱ Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" 15 times. | 傭兵 Mercenary |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の功労者:リテム・Ⅲ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Retem Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" 50 times. | 正規兵 Regular Soldier |
10SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の完遂者:リテム Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Retem |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem" with an S rank once. | ホーク Hawk |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:リテム・Ⅰ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". | ジャックナイフ Jackknife |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:リテム・Ⅱ Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". | サバイバルナイフ Survival Knife |
5SG |
採掘リグ防衛戦の立役者:リテム・Ⅲ● Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Retem Ⅲ● |
10 | Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Retem". | バタフライナイフ Butterfly Knife |
10SG |
クロコダラス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" once. | 踏ん張り Standing Firm |
5SG |
クロコダラス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. | 突進 Charge |
5SG |
クロコダラス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ● Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Crocodallus Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | ダッシュ Dash |
10SG |
アムス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅰ Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" once. | 体術 Jujutsu |
5SG |
アムス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅱ Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" 15 times. | 武術 Martial Arts |
5SG |
アムス・ヴェラ討伐戦の功労者・Ⅲ● Ams Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the emergency quest "Ams Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. | 格闘術 Hand-to-Hand Combat |
10SG |
トレイニア・コクーン/Trainia Cocoon (16 tasks / 16 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
コクーンの探究者・Ⅰ Cocoon Investigator Ⅰ |
5 | Complete all side missions in one Trainia Cocoon. | コクーン Cocoon |
5SG |
コクーンの探究者・Ⅱ Cocoon Investigator Ⅱ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Cocoons. | しっかり者 Gutsy |
5SG |
コクーンの探究者・Ⅲ Cocoon Investigator Ⅲ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 8 Trainia Cocoons. | 几帳面 Methodical |
5SG |
コクーンの探究者・Ⅳ Cocoon Investigator Ⅳ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 12 Trainia Cocoons. | 誠実 Sincere |
5SG |
コクーンの探究者・Ⅴ● Cocoon Investigator Ⅴ● |
5 | Complete all side missions in 20 Trainia Cocoons. | テキパキ Briskly |
5SG |
ワイルドラッシュの熟練者 Wild Rush Expert |
5 | Clear "Wild Rush" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | 獰猛 |
10SG |
ローリングラッシュの熟練者 Rolling Rush Expert |
5 | Clear "Rolling Rush" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | エキサイティング |
10SG |
セツナノイッセンの熟練者 Setsuna no Issen Expert |
5 | Clear "Setsuna no Issen" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | タイム |
10SG |
ダイナアサルトの熟練者 Dynamic Assault Expert |
5 | Clear "Dynamic Assault" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | ゼンマイ |
10SG |
バディアタックの熟練者 Buddy Attack Expert |
5 | Clear "Buddy Attack" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | 豪傑 |
10SG |
ナローケージの熟練者 Narrow Cage Expert |
5 | Clear "Narrow Cage" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | 恐怖 |
10SG |
バニシングウェイの熟練者 Vanishing Way Expert |
5 | Clear "Vanishing Way" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | ショッキング |
10SG |
クレイジーテイルの熟練者 Crazy Tail Expert |
5 | Clear "Crazy Tail" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | クレイジー |
10SG |
ホリブルフラッピングの熟練者 Horrible Flapping Expert |
5 | Clear "Horrible Flapping" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | マッド |
10SG |
ワイルドアバランチの熟練者 Wild Avalanche Expert |
5 | Clear "Wild Avalanche" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | 野生 |
10SG |
クロックワークジェイルの熟練者 Clockwork Jail Expert |
5 | Clear "Clockwork Jail" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | 時計じかけ |
10SG |
トレイニア・タワー/Trainia Tower (9 tasks / 9 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
タワーの探究者・Ⅰ Tower Investigator Ⅰ |
5 | Complete all side missions in one Trainia Tower. | タワー Tower |
5SG |
タワーの探究者・Ⅱ Tower Investigator Ⅱ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 2 Trainia Towers. | 課題 Subject |
5SG |
タワーの探究者・Ⅲ Tower Investigator Ⅲ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 3 Trainia Towers. | 解決 Resolution |
5SG |
タワーの探究者・Ⅳ Tower Investigator Ⅳ |
5 | Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Towers. | 使命 Mission |
5SG |
タワーの探究者・Ⅴ● Tower Investigator Ⅴ● |
5 | Complete all side missions in 5 Trainia Towers. | 任務 Duty |
5SG |
グレートウォールの熟練者 Great Wall Expert |
5 | Clear "Great Wall" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | ドンドン |
10SG |
アルターズラッシュの熟練者 Alters Rush Expert |
5 | Clear "Alters" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | バンバン |
10SG |
ドールズバロウの熟練者 DOLLS Burrow Expert |
5 | Clear "DOLLS Burrow" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | ジャンジャン |
10SG |
ディープウェルの熟練者 Deep Well Expert |
5 | Clear "Deep Well" (Rank2. or higher) with a difficulty multiplier of 250% or higher. | ガンガン |
10SG |
トレイニア:その他/Trainia: Others (12 tasks / 12 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
コクーンの覇者:エアリオ Cocoon Champion: Aelio |
5 | Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio. | トレイニア Trainia |
5SG |
コクーンの覇王:エアリオ Cocoon Overlord: Aelio |
10 | Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio with all side missions completed. | 完璧主義 Perfectionism |
10SG |
タワーの覇者:エアリオ Tower Champion: Aelio |
5 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio. | 覇者 Conqueror |
5SG |
タワーの覇王:エアリオ Tower Overlord: Aelio |
10 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio with all side missions completed. | 完全 Complete |
10SG |
コクーンの覇者:リテム Cocoon Champion: Retem |
5 | Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem. | 踏破 Traveler |
5SG |
コクーンの覇王:リテム Cocoon Overlord: Retem |
10 | Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem with all side missions completed. | 負けず嫌い Unyielding |
10SG |
タワーの覇者:リテム Tower Champion: Retem |
5 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem. | 向上心 Ambitious |
5SG |
タワーの覇王:リテム Tower Overlord: Retem |
10 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem with all side missions completed. | 抜け目のない Shrewd |
10SG |
コクーンの覇者:クヴァリス Cocoon Champion: Kvaris |
5 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris. | 完了 Completion |
5SG |
コクーンの覇王:クヴァリス Cocoon Overlord: Kvaris |
10 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris with all side missions completed. | パーフェクト Perfect |
10SG |
タワーの覇者:クヴァリス Tower Champion: Kvaris |
5 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris. | 成果 Results |
5SG |
タワーの覇王:クヴァリス Tower Overlord: Kvaris |
10 | Clear all Trainia Towers in Kvaris with all side missions completed. | 完遂 Accomplishment |
10SG |
トライアル/Trial (5 tasks / 5 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
トライアルの功労者・Ⅰ Trial Contributor Ⅰ |
5 | Complete any trial 20 times. | トライアル Trial |
5SG |
トライアルの功労者・Ⅱ Trial Contributor Ⅱ |
5 | Complete any trial 150 times. | 突然 Abrupt |
5SG |
トライアルの功労者・Ⅲ Trial Contributor Ⅲ |
5 | Complete any trial 500 times. | 臨機応変 Adaptive |
5SG |
トライアルの功労者・Ⅳ Trial Contributor Ⅳ |
10 | Complete any trial 2000 times. | 柔軟 Flexible |
10SG |
トライアルの功労者・Ⅴ● Trial Contributor Ⅴ● |
20 | Complete any trial 4000 times. | 余裕 Composed |
20SG |
ワールドトライアル/World Trial (3 Tasks / 3 Titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ステラーグレイス回収作戦の功労者・Ⅰ※1 Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅰ※1 |
5 | In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 10 Stellar Grace. | ステラーグレイス Stellar Grace |
5SG |
ステラーグレイス回収作戦の功労者・Ⅱ※1 Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅱ※1 |
5 | In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 50 Stellar Grace. | 回収者 Collector |
5SG |
ステラーグレイス回収作戦の功労者・Ⅲ●※1 Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅲ●※1 |
10 | In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 100 Stellar Grace. | 収集家 Accumulator |
10SG |
※1: Not counted in the Seasonal World Trial
バトルディア/Battledia (36 Tasks / 36 Titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
バトルディアの挑戦者:イエロー・Ⅰ Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅰ |
5 | Clear "Battledia: Yellow" once. | バトルディア Battledia |
5SG |
バトルディアの挑戦者:イエロー・Ⅱ Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅱ |
5 | Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 15 times. | 調査 Investigation |
5SG |
バトルディアの挑戦者:イエロー・Ⅲ● Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅲ● |
10 | Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 50 times. | 探求 Quest |
10SG |
バトルディアの挑戦者:パープル・Ⅰ Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅰ |
5 | Clear "Battledia: Purple" once. | 挑戦 Challenge |
5SG |
バトルディアの挑戦者:パープル・Ⅱ Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅱ |
5 | Clear "Battledia: Purple" 15 times. | チャレンジ Challenging |
5SG |
バトルディアの挑戦者:パープル・Ⅲ● Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅲ● |
10 | Clear "Battledia: Purple" 50 times. | 果敢 Resolute |
10SG |
疾速の駆逐者:エアリオ Rapid Destroyer: Aelio |
20 | Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" within 18 minutes. | 速攻 Blitz |
20SG |
絶望を越えし者:エアリオ・Ⅰ The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". | 弟子 Disciple |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:エアリオ・Ⅱ The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". | 師匠 Master |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:エアリオ・Ⅲ The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅲ |
5 | Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". | 現役 Active |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:エアリオ・Ⅳ The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". | 後継者 Successor |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:エアリオ・Ⅴ● The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅴ● |
5 | Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". | 皆伝 Initiation |
5SG |
俊敏なる駆逐者:エアリオ Agile Destroyer: Aelio |
20 | Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. | 迅速 Swift |
20SG |
絶望に抗いし者:エアリオ・Ⅰ The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | 対決 Showdown |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:エアリオ・Ⅱ The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | ライバル Rival |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:エアリオ・Ⅲ The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅲ |
5 | Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | 修行 Discipline |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:エアリオ・Ⅳ The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | 善戦 Good Fight |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:エアリオ・Ⅴ● The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅴ● |
5 | Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | 勝利 Victory |
5SG |
疾速の駆逐者:リテム Rapid Destroyer: Retem |
20 | Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" within 18 minutes. | 瞬間 Instant |
20SG |
絶望を越えし者:リテム・Ⅰ The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". | 成功 Success |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:リテム・Ⅱ The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". | 栄冠 Acclaim |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:リテム・Ⅲ The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅲ |
5 | Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". | 名誉 Honor |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:リテム・Ⅳ The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". | 名声 Fame |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:リテム・Ⅴ● The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅴ● |
5 | Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". | 栄光 Glory |
5SG |
俊敏なる駆逐者:リテム Agile Destroyer: Retem |
20 | Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. | 瞬速 In the Blink of an Eye |
20SG |
絶望に抗いし者:リテム・Ⅰ The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | モノ Mono |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:リテム・Ⅱ The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | ジ Di |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:リテム・Ⅲ The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅲ |
5 | Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | トリ Tri |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:リテム・Ⅳ The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | テトラ Tetra |
5SG |
絶望に抗いし者:リテム・Ⅴ● The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅴ● |
5 | Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). | ペンタ Penta |
5SG |
疾速の駆逐者:クヴァリス Rapid Destroyer: Kvaris |
20 | Complete the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators" within 18 minutes. | 光速 Speed of Light |
20SG |
絶望を越えし者:クヴァリス・Ⅰ The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅰ |
5 | Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". | 先鋒 Vanguard |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:クヴァリス・Ⅱ The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅱ |
5 | Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". | 次鋒 Middle Guard |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:クヴァリス・Ⅲ The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅲ |
5 | Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". | 中堅 Rear Guard |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:クヴァリス・Ⅳ The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅳ |
5 | Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". | 副将 Second in Command |
5SG |
絶望を越えし者:クヴァリス・Ⅴ● The One Beyond Despair: Kvaris Ⅴ● |
5 | Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Kvaris Devastators". | 大将 General |
5SG |
トリニテス/Trinitas (32 Tasks / 32 Titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
トリニテスの記録保持者・Ⅰ Trinitas Record Holder Ⅰ |
10 | Achieve a cumulative score of 3,500,000 points in Trinitas. | トリニテス Trinitas |
20SG |
トリニテスの記録保持者・Ⅱ Trinitas Record Holder Ⅱ |
5 | Achieve a cumulative score of 10,000,000 points in Trinitas. | 遺跡 Ruins |
![]() ![]() |
トリニテスの記録保持者・Ⅲ Trinitas Record Holder Ⅲ |
5 | Achieve a cumulative score of 50,000,000 points in Trinitas. | 探検家 Explorer |
![]() ![]() |
トリニテスの記録保持者・Ⅳ● Trinitas Record Holder Ⅳ● |
10 | Achieve a cumulative score of 200,000,000 points in Trinitas. | ラビリンス Labyrinth |
マグフォルム/コクシスマキーナ |
熟練ハンターの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | ブレイド Blade |
10SG |
熟練ハンターの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 刺突 Thrust |
20SG |
熟練ハンターの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練狩人 Skilled Hunter |
20SG |
熟練レンジャーの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | スコープ Scope |
10SG |
熟練レンジャーの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | エイム Aim |
20SG |
熟練レンジャーの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練狙撃手 Skilled Sniper |
20SG |
熟練フォースの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 触媒 Catalyst |
10SG |
熟練フォースの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 法撃 Technique |
20SG |
熟練フォースの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練術士 Skilled Technician |
20SG |
熟練ファイターの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 拳 Fist |
10SG |
熟練ファイターの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 連撃 Barrage |
20SG |
熟練ファイターの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練闘士 Skilled Fighter |
20SG |
熟練ガンナーの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 引き金 Trigger |
10SG |
熟練ガンナーの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 射撃 Shooting |
20SG |
熟練ガンナーの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練銃士 Skilled Gunner |
20SG |
熟練テクターの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 回復 Restoration |
10SG |
熟練テクターの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 援護 Support |
20SG |
熟練テクターの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練業師 Skilled Artisan |
20SG |
熟練ブレイバーの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 矢 Arrow |
10SG |
熟練ブレイバーの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 斬撃 Slash Attack |
20SG |
熟練ブレイバーの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練勇者 Skilled Hero |
20SG |
熟練バウンサーの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | ヒール Heel |
10SG |
熟練バウンサーの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 蹴撃 Kick Attack |
20SG |
熟練バウンサーの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 熟練用心棒 Skilled Bouncer |
20SG |
熟練ウェイカーの証・Ⅰ Proof of a Skilled Waker Ⅰ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Waker score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 鳥 |
10SG |
熟練ウェイカーの証・Ⅱ Proof of a Skilled Waker Ⅱ |
5 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Waker score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 獣 |
20SG |
熟練ウェイカーの証・Ⅲ● Proof of a Skilled Waker Ⅲ● |
10 | Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Waker score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) | 20SG | |
トリニテスの挑戦者・Ⅰ Trinitas Challenger Ⅰ |
10 | Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Enemy Maximum HP +400%" added to the challenge settings. | 火力 Firepower |
5SG |
トリニテスの挑戦者・Ⅱ Trinitas Challenger Ⅱ |
10 | Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Enemy Attack Power +300%" added to the challenge settings. | 紙一重 Paper-thin |
5SG |
トリニテスの挑戦者・Ⅲ Trinitas Challenger Ⅲ |
10 | Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge A" added to the challenge settings. | ドキドキ Heart Pounding |
5SG |
トリニテスの挑戦者・Ⅳ Trinitas Challenger Ⅳ |
10 | Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge B" added to the challenge settings. | ワクワク Exciting |
5SG |
トリニテスの挑戦者・Ⅴ● Trinitas Challenger Ⅴ● |
10 | Clear the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with "Random Challenge C" added to the challenge settings. | ビックリ Surprising |
5SG |
想定演習/Assumed Exercise (3 tasks / 3 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
大敵に備えし者・Ⅰ The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅰ |
5 | Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter once. | 巨影 Great Shadow |
5SG |
大敵に備えし者・Ⅱ The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅱ |
5 | Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter 10 times. | 暗闇 Darkness |
5SG |
大敵に備えし者・Ⅲ● The One Who prepares for the Great Enemy Ⅲ● |
10 | Clear the "Simulation: Dark Falz Interception Rank 2" exercise that can be ordered at the quest counter 30 times. | 暗黒 Gloom |
10SG |
フィールドレース/Field Race (6 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
走破レースの覇者 Champion of the Running Race |
5 | Complete 50 field races.※1 | スタート Start |
5SG |
実力派ランナー:西エアリオ Talented Runner: West Aelio |
5 | Clear the Field Race "West Aelio Run Stage 1." with a score of 16,000 or higher. | 短距離 Short Distance |
5SG |
実力派ランナー:西リテム Talented Runner: West Retem |
5 | Clear the Field Race "West Retem Run Stage 1." with a score of 13,000 or higher. | オフロード Off-road |
5SG |
実力派ランナー:中央クヴァリス Talented Runner: Central Kvaris |
5 | Clear the Field Race "Central Kvaris Run Stage 1." with a score of 17,000 or higher. | スケート Skate |
5SG |
実力派ランナー:南エアリオ Talented Runner: South Aelio |
5 | Clear the Field Race "South Aelio Run Stage 1." with a score of 13,000 or higher. | ピッチ Pace |
5SG |
実力派ランナー:南クヴァリス Talented Runner: South Kvaris |
5 | Clear the Field Race "South Kvaris Run Stage 1." with a score of 16,000 or higher. | 銅メダル Bronze Medal |
5SG |
※1: Achievable in all Field Races with "Running" in the Title.
トレイニアアドバンス/Trainia Advance (1 tasks / 1 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
キャノンボールランブルの記録保持者 Cannonball Rumble Record Holder |
5 | Achieve a total score of 100,000 when clearing the quest "Cannonball Rumble" in Trainia Advance. | 得点王 Top Scorer |
5SG |