Add Special Ability (PSO2)

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Ability Add Special Ability Ability List of Abilities Special Ability Ability Factors

General Information

Affixing is done through the "Add Special Ability" (特殊能力追加) section of the Equipment Lab. To add an ability to an item, you must have another item of the same type with the same number of slots or more. All materials used when adding special abilities will be permanently gone regardless if it failed or succeed.

  • For example, a weapon currently with three special ability slots can use any weapon with three or more special ability slots as material.
  • Weapons can be used as materials for weapons, and units can be used for units. You can't use weapons on units or vice versa.

By combining two or more lower ranked abilities, you can make a higher ranked one. (ex. Freeze Ⅱ + Freeze Ⅱ = Freeze Ⅲ)

The only exception to the rule above is Ability. See "Fusion Success Rate" table below for more information.

Status Effect abilities can only be added to weapons, and Resistance abilities can only be added to units.

You cannot add two abilities with the same name as one will overwrite the other. (ex. Freeze Ⅱ and Freeze Ⅲ on the same item.)

When using "Ability Success Rate" items to boost the success rate, the value is added after the "Slot Penalty" is applied.

When using "Soul Bonus" to boost the success rate, the value is added before the "Slot Penalty" is applied.

Prior to affixing, it is highly recommended to use a simulator.

Related Items

Icon Image Name Rarity Source Description
AbilitySuccessRate5Mini.png AbilitySuccessRate5.png Ability Success Rate +5%
5 FUN Scratch
Casino Exchange
ARKS Ship Competition
Increase the success rate by 5% when adding abilities.
AbilitySuccessRate10Mini.png AbilitySuccessRate10.png Ability Success Rate +10%
5 +10 Grinding Reward
FUN Shop
Casino Exchange
Login Stamp
NPC Present
ARKS Bingo Card
Increase the success rate by 10% when adding abilities.
AbilitySuccessRate20Mini.png AbilitySuccessRate20.png Ability Success Rate +20%
5 Recycle Shop
Cafe Point Shop
Increase the success rate by 20% when adding abilities.
AbilitySuccessRate30Mini.png AbilitySuccessRate30.png Ability Success Rate +30%
5 Excube Shop
Login Stamp
NPC Present
ARKS Bingo Card
Increase the success rate by 30% when adding abilities.
Cannot be traded
AbilitySuccessRate40Mini.png AbilitySuccessRate40.png Ability Success Rate +40%
5 Excube Shop Increase the success rate by 40% when adding abilities.
Cannot be traded
AddSpecialAbilityHPMini.png AddSpecialAbilityHP.png Add Special Ability (HP)
特殊能力追加 (HP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Stamina Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityHPMini.png AddSpecialAbilityHP.png Add Special Ability (HP&PP)
特殊能力追加 (HP&PP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Noble Stamina.

AddSpecialAbilityHPMini.png AddSpecialAbilityHP.png Add Special Ability (HP&PP/2)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Elegant Stamina.

AddSpecialAbilityPPMini.png AddSpecialAbilityPP.png Add Special Ability (PP)
特殊能力追加 (PP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Spirita Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityS-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityS-ATK.png Add Special Ability (S-ATK)
特殊能力追加 (打撃)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Power Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityS-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityS-ATK.png Add Special Ability (S-ATK&PP)
特殊能力追加 (打撃&PP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Noble Power.

AddSpecialAbilityS-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityS-ATK.png Add Special Ability (S-ATK&PP/2)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Elegant Power.

AddSpecialAbilityR-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityR-ATK.png Add Special Ability (R-ATK)
特殊能力追加 (射撃)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Shoot Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityR-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityR-ATK.png Add Special Ability (R-ATK&PP)
特殊能力追加 (射撃&PP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Noble Shoot.

AddSpecialAbilityR-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityR-ATK.png Add Special Ability (R-ATK&PP/2)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Elegant Shoot.

AddSpecialAbilityT-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityT-ATK.png Add Special Ability (T-ATK)
特殊能力追加 (法撃)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Technique Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityT-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityT-ATK.png Add Special Ability (T-ATK&PP)
特殊能力追加 (法撃&PP)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Noble Technique.

AddSpecialAbilityT-ATKMini.png AddSpecialAbilityT-ATK.png Add Special Ability (T-ATK&PP/2)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Elegant Technique.

AddSpecialAbilityTenoraMini.png AddSpecialAbilityTenora.png Add Special Ability (Tenora)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Tenora Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityGRMMini.png AddSpecialAbilityGRM.png Add Special Ability (GRM)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png GRM Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityYohmeiMini.png AddSpecialAbilityYohmei.png Add Special Ability (Yohmei)
7 AC Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Ability.png Yohmei Boost.

AddSpecialAbilityAttackFusionMini.png AddSpecialAbilityAttackFusion.png Add Special Ability (Attack Fusion)
特殊能力追加 (攻撃総合)
10 Star Gem Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Offense Boost with S/R/T-ATK +15 DEX +25 PP +1 as an effect.
Cannot be traded.
AddSpecialAbilityDefenseFusionMini.png AddSpecialAbilityDefenseFusion.png Add Special Ability (Defense Fusion)
特殊能力追加 (防御総合)
10 Star Gem Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Defense Boost with S/R/T-DEF +25 HP +55 PP +1 as an effect.
Cannot be traded.
AddSpecialAbilityAttackTransferMini.png AddSpecialAbilityAttackTransfer.png Add Special Ability (Attack Transfer)
特殊能力追加 (攻撃継承)
10 Star Gem Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Attack Receptor that boost the synthesis and transfer rate of Power, Shoot, Technique, and Arm.
Cannot be traded
AddSpecialAbilityDefenseTransferMini.png AddSpecialAbilityDefenseTransfer.png Add Special Ability (Defense Transfer)
特殊能力追加 (防御継承)
10 Star Gem Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Defense Receptor that boost the synthesis and transfer rate of Mind, Body, and React.
Cannot be traded
AddSpecialAbilityPhotonTransferMini.png AddSpecialAbilityPhotonTransfer.png Add Special Ability (Photon Transfer)
特殊能力追加 (心身継承)
10 Star Gem Scratch Used when adding abilities on an item.
Adds Photon Receptor that boost the synthesis and transfer rate of Stamina and Spirita.
Cannot be traded

Extra Slots

When adding special abilities, it is possible to increase the number of slots on the base item by one by using the extra slot. When using the extra slot, the success rate of all abilities will be lowered by a certain amount depending on the number of slots. An item can have a maximum of 8 special ability slots.

Slots 2 Material 3+ Material
0 → 1 100% 100%
1 → 2 85% 90%
2 → 3 75% 85%
3 → 4 60% 70%
4 → 5 50% 60%
5 → 6 45% 55%
6 → 7 35% 45%
7 → 8 30% 30%

Inheritance and Synthesis Tables


"Junk" refers to any other ability which has no boosting effect on the ability to be inherited in question

Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Inherited Ability Extra Slot (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stat Boosts and Resists
Inheritance Power I Junk - Power I 100 100 85 75 60 50 45 35 30
Junk Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
Power I - 100 100 - 75 60 50 45 35 30
Power I Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
Power I Power I 100 - - 85 70 60 55 40 30
Power II Junk - Power II 60 60 51 45 36 30 27 21 18
Junk Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 33 24 18
Power II - 80 80 - 60 45 40 36 28 24
Power II Junk 80 - 72 68 56 48
Power II Power II 100 - - 85 70 60 55 40 30
Power III Junk - Power III 60 60 51 45 36 30 27 21 18
Junk Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 33 24 18
Power III - 80 80 - 60 45 40 36 28 24
Power III Junk 80 - 72 68 56 48
Power III Power III 100 - - 85 70 60 55 40 30
Power IV Junk - Power IV 40
Junk Junk 40
Power IV - 60
Power IV Junk 60
Power IV Power IV 80
Power V Junk - Power V 20
Junk Junk 20
Power V - 40
Power V Junk 40
Power V Power V 60
Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Inherited Ability Extra Slot (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Status Effect X
Inheritance Burn ico.pngBurn I Junk - Burn ico.pngBurn I 60 60 51 45 36 30 27 21 18
Junk Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 33 24 18
Burn ico.pngBurn I - 80 80 - 60 48 40 36 28 24
Burn ico.pngBurn I Junk 80 - 72 68 56 48
Burn ico.pngBurn I Burn ico.pngBurn I 100 - - 85 70 60 55 40 30
Burn ico.pngBurn II Junk - Burn ico.pngBurn II 40 40 34 30 24 20 18 14 12
Junk Junk 40 - 36 34 28 24 22 16 12
Burn ico.pngBurn II - 60 60 51 45 36 30 27 21 18
Burn ico.pngBurn II Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 33 24 18
Burn ico.pngBurn II Burn ico.pngBurn II 80 - - 68 56 48
Burn ico.pngBurn III Junk - Burn ico.pngBurn III 20 20
Junk Junk 20 -
Burn ico.pngBurn III - 40 40 -
Burn ico.pngBurn III Junk 40 -
Burn ico.pngBurn III Burn ico.pngBurn III 60 - -
Burn ico.pngBurn IV Junk - Burn ico.pngBurn IV 20 20
Junk Junk 20 -
Burn ico.pngBurn IV - 30 -
Burn ico.pngBurn IV Junk 30 -
Burn ico.pngBurn IV Burn ico.pngBurn IV 50 - -
Burn ico.pngBurn V Junk - Burn ico.pngBurn V 10
Junk Junk 10 -
Burn ico.pngBurn V - 20 20 -
Burn ico.pngBurn V Junk 20 -
Burn ico.pngBurn V Burn ico.pngBurn V 40 - -
Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Inherited Ability Extra Slot (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ability X (the affix, as in "Ability III")
Inheritance Ability I Junk - Ability I 100 100 85 75 60 50 45 35 30
Junk Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
Ability I - 100 100 - 75 60 50 45 35 30
Ability I Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
Ability I Ability I 100 - - 85 70 60 55 40 30
Ability II Junk - Ability II 20 20
Junk Junk 20 -
Ability II - 40 40 -
Ability II Junk 40 -
Ability II Ability II 60 - -
Ability III Junk - Ability III 10 10
Junk Junk 10 - 9
Ability III - 30 30 -
Ability III Junk 30 -
Ability III Ability III 50 - -
Returner X ※Note: At least 2 required to transfer
Inheritance Returner I Junk - Returner I Impossible
Junk Junk
Returner I - 80 -
Returner I Junk 80 -
Returner I Returner I 100 -
Returner II Junk - Returner II Impossible
Junk Junk
Returner II - 70 -
Returner II Junk 70 -
Returner II Returner II 100 -
Returner III Junk - Returner III Impossible
Junk Junk
Returner III - 50 -
Returner III Junk 50 -
Returner III Returner III 100 -
Returner IV Junk - Returner IV Impossible
Junk Junk
Returner IV - 40 -
Returner IV Junk 40 -
Returner IV Returner IV 100 -
Returner V Junk - Returner V Impossible
Junk Junk
Returner V - 30 -
Returner V Junk 30 -
Returner V Returner V 100 -
Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Inherited Ability Extra Slot (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Soul ※Note: At least 2 identical Soul required to transfer
Inheritance ____ Soul Junk - Returner I Impossible
Junk Junk
____ Soul - 50 50 - 37 30 25 22 17 15
____ Soul Junk 50 - 45 42 35 30 27 20 15
____ Soul ____ Soul 80 - - 68 56 48 44 32 24
Mutation X ※Note: At least 2 required to transfer
Inheritance ____ Soul Junk - Returner I Impossible
Junk Junk
Mutation I - 50 50 - 37 30 25 22 17 15
Mutation I Junk 50 - 45 42 35 30 27 20 15
Mutation I Mutation I 80 - - 68 56 48 44 32 24
Stigma/Vinculum ※Note: At least 2 required to transfer
Inheritance Stigma Junk - Stigma Impossible
Junk Junk
Stigma - 30 30 -
Stigma Junk 30 -
Stigma Stigma 50 - -
Modulator ※Note: At least 2 required to transfer
Inheritance Modulator Junk - Modulator Impossible
Junk Junk
Modulator - 30 30 -
Modulator Junk 30 -
Modulator Modulator 80 - -
Inheritance ____ Fever Junk - ____ Fever 100 100 85 75 60 50 45 35 30
Junk Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
____ Fever - 100 100 - 75 60 50 45 35 30
____ Fever Junk 100 - 90 85 70 60 55 40 30
Alter/Flict ※Note: At least 3 required to transfer
Inheritance Flict Arma Junk - Flict Arma Impossible
Junk Junk
Flict Arma -
Flict Arma Junk
Flict Arma Flict Arma 80 - 72 68 56 48 36 32 24
Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Inherited Ability Extra Slot (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Synthesized Ability Extra Slot (%) Mutation Bonus (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I II III
Stat Boosts and Resists
Synthesis Power I Power I - Power II 60 60 - 45 36 30 - -
Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 - -
Power II 80 - - 68 56 48 - -
Power II Power II - Power III 30 30 - 22 18 15 30 40
Junk 30 - 27 24 21 18 30 40
Power II 50 - - 37 30 25 30 40
Power III Power III - Power IV 20 20 - 15 12 10 - 30
Junk 20 - - 30
Power III 40 - - 34 28 24 - 30
Power IV Power IV - Power V 10 - - -
Junk 10 - - -
Power IV 30 - - - -
Status Effect
Synthesis Burn ico.pngBurn I Burn ico.pngBurn I - Burn ico.pngBurn II 60 60 - 45 36 30 - -
Junk 60 - 54 51 42 36 - -
Burn ico.pngBurn II 80 - - 68 56 48 - -
Burn ico.pngBurn II Burn ico.pngBurn II - Burn ico.pngBurn III 30 30 - 22 18 15 40 50
Junk 30 - 27 24 21 18 40 50
Burn ico.pngBurn II 50 - - 37 30 25 40 50
Burn ico.pngBurn III Burn ico.pngBurn III - Burn ico.pngBurn IV 20 20 - 15 12 10 - 30
Junk 20 - - 30
Burn ico.pngBurn III 40 - - 34 28 24 - 30
Burn ico.pngBurn IV Burn ico.pngBurn IV - Burn ico.pngBurn V 10 - - -
Junk 10 - - -
Burn ico.pngBurn IV 30 - - - -
Ability X ※Note: Requires these exact combinations. Ability X itself cannot be ranked up
Synthesis Power I Shoot I Technique I Ability I 80 - 72 68 56 48 - -
Body I React I Mind I
Power II Shoot II Technique II Ability II 70 - 63 59 49 42 - -
Body II React II Mind II
Power III Shoot III Technique III Ability III 60 - 54 51 42 36 - -
Body III React III Mind III
Returner X ※Note: Ⅲ→Ⅳ and after requires 3 copies
Synthesis Returner I Returner I - Returner II 70 - - -
Junk 70 - - -
Returner I 70 - - - -
Returner II Returner II - Returner III 50 - - -
Junk 50 - - -
Returner II 50 - - - -
Returner III Returner III - Returner IV Impossible
Returner III 30 - - - -
Returner IV Returner IV - Returner V Impossible
Returner IV 20 - - - -


Summary of success rates

  • Bold entries indicate that the rate can be further enhanced through bonuses
  • N = Inherit (Transfer)
  • S = Synthesis
Type Type Success Rate
Duplicate Ability # 1 2 3+ 1 2 3+ 1 2 3+ 1 2 3+ 1 2 3+
Stat Boost/Resist ※1 N 100% 60% 80% 100% 60% 80% 100% 40% 60% 80% 20% 40% 60%
S - - 60% 80% - 30% 50% - 20% 40% - 10% 30%
Status Effect N 60% 80% 100% 40% 60% 80% 20% 40% 60% 20% 30% 50% 10% 20% 40%
S - - 60% 80% - 20% 40% - 20% 40% - 10% 30%
Returner X N - 80% 100% - 70% 100% - 50% 100% - 40% 100% - 30% 100%
S - - 70% - 50% - 30% - 20%
Ability X N 100% 20% 40% 60% 10% 30% 50% - -
S 80% 70% 60%
All Resist N 30% 50% 70% 20% 40% 60% 10% 30% 50% - -
S 80% 70% 60%
Gifts ※2 N - 75% 100% - 50% 75% - 30% 50% - -
S - - 60% - 40%
Mutation N - 50% 80% - 50% 80% - - -
S - - ※6
Souls ※3 N ※7 50% 80% -
Tou'ou Soul N ※7 60% 80% -
_____ the Soul N ※7 25% 40% -
S 70%
Astral Soul ※4 N 10% -
S 60%
Soul Catalyst N - 10% 30% -
S 10%
Emper Embrace
N 100% -
Spirita Alpha N 30% 50% ※8 -
Modulator N - 30% 80% -
Yamato Factor
N - 30% 50% -
N - 80% -
Ultimate Buster ※5 N - ※9 -
  • ※1 Bonus to success rate of synthesis of Rank V of the 6 attribute resistances requires "photon collect"
  • ※2 'Gift Receptor' required to make inheritance/synthesis possible
  • ※3 Not including Tou'ou Soul, _____ the Soul, and Astral Soul
  • ※4 Soul Receptor style inheritance is possible, but does not gain any bonus to success rate
  • ※5 Can only be affixed to weapons of ★12 rarity or lower
  • ※6 Success rate for having 3 of the same ability is 10%, for 4 is 30%, and for 5 is 50%
  • ※7 Soul Receptor style inheritance is possible
  • ※8 Success rate for having 3 of the same ability is 60%, for 4 is 80%, and for 5 is 100%
  • ※9 Success rate for having 5 of the same ability is 100%
Ability Add Special Ability Ability List of Abilities Special Ability Ability Factors