Franka Client Orders: Difference between revisions

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(Corrected Franka's CO requirements)
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[[Category:Client Orders]]

Revision as of 03:01, 19 February 2016


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Oodan Meat
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [ウーダンの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Oodan.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 1900
Supplying Aginis Meat
Complete [Supplying Oodan Meat] Deliver [アギニスの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Aginis.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 1900
Supplying Mystery Fruits
Complete [Supplying Oodan Meat] Deliver [謎の木の実] x10
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Za Oodan.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 2000
Supplying Aginis Breast Meat
Complete [Supplying Aginis Meat] Deliver [アギニスの胸肉] x3
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Aginis.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 2000
Supplying Hard Nuts
Complete [Supplying Mystery Fruits] Deliver [堅い木の実] x3
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Garongo.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 2200
Supplying Rockbear Meat
Complete [Supplying Hard Nuts] Deliver [ロックベアの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Rockbears.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 5000
Supplying RB Arm Meat & Fruits
Complete [Supplying Rockbear Meat] Deliver [ロックベアの腕肉] x1
Deliver [みずみずしい木の実] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Rockbears.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 10000
Supplying Fang Banther Hides
Complete [Tundra Exploration] Deliver [ファングバンサーの皮] x1
Deliver [ファングバンシーの柔毛] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Fang Banther and Fang Banshee.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1500 16000
Supplying Mature Aginis Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [老成したアギニスの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Aginis.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Digg Meat
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [ディッグの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.23+ Digg.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 160 2500
Supplying Nordiran Meat
Complete [Supplying Digg Meat] Deliver [ノーディランの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.24+ Nordiran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 240 3500
Supplying Fordoran Horns
Complete [Supplying Nordiran Meat] Deliver [フォードランの角] x2
※ Drops from Lv.24+ Fordoran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 5000
Supplying Dried Leaves
Complete [Supplying Digg Meat] Deliver [干からびた野草] x5
※ Drops from Lv.24+ Dinian-type enemies.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 250 3700
Supplying Vol Dragon Meat
Complete [Supplying Fordoran Horns] Deliver [ヴォル・ドラゴンの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.24+ Vol Dragon.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 750 11500
Supplying Vol Dragon Fangs
Complete [Supplying Vol Dragon Meat] Deliver [ヴォル・ドラゴンの牙] x1
※ Drops from Lv.24+ Vol Dragon.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 900 13200
Supplying Feverish Digg Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [高熱を帯びたディッグの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Diggs.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Mystery Carapace
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [謎の甲虫の殻] x10
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Krahda and Dagan.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 200 3300
Supplying Hard Leaves
Complete [Supplying Mystery Carapace] Deliver [硬い葉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Darkers.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 4800
Supplying Spardan A Armor
Complete [Supplying Mystery Carapace] Deliver [スパルダンAの装甲] x10
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Spardan A.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 5200
Supplying Rock Salt
Complete [Supplying Hard Leaves] Deliver [岩塩] x10
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Darkers.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 4800
Supplying Spargun Barrel
Complete [Supplying Spardan A Armor] Deliver [スパルガンの砲身] x5
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Spargun.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 5200
Supplying Spice Ingredients
Complete [Supplying Rock Salt] Deliver [黒い小さな実] x10
Deliver [白い小さな実] x5
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Darkers. Desert area only.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 4800
Supplying Gwanahda Pincers
Complete [Supplying Spice Ingredients] Deliver [グワナーダの大ばさみ] x1
※ Drops from Lv.28+ Gwanahda.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 800 13500
Supplying Spardan A Leg Parts
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [スパルダンAの脚パーツ] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Spardan A.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Gulfur Meat
Complete [Exploration Request III] Deliver [ガルフルの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Gulfur.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 4400
Supplying Fangulfur Meat
Complete [Supplying Gulfur Meat] Deliver [ファンガルフルの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Fangulfur.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 6200
Supplying Malmoth Meat
Complete [Supplying Fangulfur Meat] Deliver [マルモスの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Malmoth.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 4800
Supplying Verdant Plants
Complete [Supplying De Malmoth Meat] Deliver [霜の降った稲穂] x5
※ Drops from Lv.31+ De Malmoth.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 9700
Supplying De Malmoth Meat
Complete [Supplying Malmoth Meat] Deliver [デ・マルモスの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ De Malmoth.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 700 11500
Supplying Snow Banther Meat
Complete [Tundra Exploration] Deliver [スノウバンサーの肉] x1
Deliver [スノウバンシーの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Snow Banshee and Snow Banther.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 17000
Supplying Mature De Malmoth Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [老成したデ・マルモスの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.60+ De Malmoth.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000

Subterranean Tunnels

Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Guardine Frame
Complete [Exploration Request IV] Deliver [ガーディンのフレーム] x5
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Guardine.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 450 6000
Supplying Gilnas Armor
Complete [Supplying Guardine Frame] Deliver [ギルナスの装甲] x2
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Gilnas.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 6500
Supplying Gilnas Heavy Armor
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [ギルナスの重装甲] x2
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Gilnas.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Fordoransa Meat
Complete [Exploration Request V] Deliver [フォードランサの肉] x2
※ Drops from Lv.34+ Fordoransa.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 7000
Supplying Baridran Meat
Complete [Supplying Fordoransa Meat] Deliver [バリドランの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.34+ Baridran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 7000
Supplying Windira Wing Horns
Complete [Supplying Baridran Meat] Deliver [ウィンディラの翼角] x5
※ Drops from Lv.34+ Windira.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 7500
Supplying Caterdra'nsa Meat
Complete [Supplying Windira Wing Horns] Deliver [キャタドランサの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.34+ Caterdra'nsa.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 750 10000
Supplying Quartz Dragon Scales
Complete [Supplying Caterdra'nsa Meat] Deliver [クォーツ・ドラゴンの鱗] x1
※ Drops from Lv.34+ Quartz Dragon.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 900 15000
Supplying Mature Baridran Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [老成したバリドランの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Baridran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Krabahda Shells
Complete [Exploration Request VI] Deliver [クラバーダの甲殻] x5
※ Drops from Lv.47+ Krabahda.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 6000
Supplying Kuklonahda Arms
Complete [Supplying Krabahda Shells] Deliver [キュクロナーダの右腕片] x3
※ Drops from Lv.47+ Kuklonahda.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 6000
Supplying Zeshrayda Blades
Complete [Supplying Kuklonahda Arms] Deliver [ゼッシュレイダの腕刃片] x1
※ Drops from Lv.47+ Zeshrayda.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 700 7000
Supplying Gu Wonda Shield Fragments
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [グウォンダの大盾の破片] x3
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Gu Wonda.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000

Dragon Sanctum

Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Deegalla Horns
Complete [Ruins Exploration] Deliver [ディガーラの鋭角] x10
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Deegalla.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 6500
Supplying Sol Deegalla Wings
Complete [Supplying Deegalla Horns] Deliver [ソル・ディガーラの翼膜] x10
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Sol Deegalla.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 6500
Supplying Pendran Tails
Complete [Supplying Sol Deegalla Wings] Deliver [ペンドランの尾肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Pendran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 6000
Supplying Dirandal Shards
Complete [Supplying Pendran Tails] Deliver [ディランダールの水晶片] x3
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Dirandal.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 800 8000
Supplying Sol Dirandal Meat
Complete [Supplying Dirandal Shards] Deliver [ソル・ディランダールの肉] x3
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Sol Dirandal.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 8500
Supplying Healthy Pendran Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [活発なペンドランの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Pendran.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Torbon Meat
Complete [Difficulty Unlock II] Deliver [トルボンの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Torbon.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 7000
Supplying Seglez'n Thigh Meat
Complete [Supplying Torbon Meat] Deliver [セグレズンのもも肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Seglez'n.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 7000
Supplying Aculpus Dorsal Fins
Complete [Supplying Seglez'n Thigh Meat] Deliver [アクルプスの背びれ] x5
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Aculpus.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 8200
Supplying Blumegalla Scales
Complete [Supplying Aculpus Dorsal Fins] Deliver [ブルメガーラのうろこ] x3
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Blumegalla.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 600 8200
Supplying Org Blan Breasts
Complete [Supplying Blumegalla Scales] Deliver [オルグブランの胸肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Org Blan.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 9000
Supplying Bal Rodos Scales
Complete [Supplying Org Blan Breasts] Deliver [バル・ロドスの光鱗] x1
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Bal Rodos.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 800 13500
Supplying Healthy Aculpus Meat
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [活発なアクルプスの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Aculpus.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Custom Kindidd Blades
Complete [Sanctum Exploration] Deliver [カストキンディッドの刃] x10
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Custom Kindidd.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 7000
Supplying Stark Gun Leg Parts
Complete [Supplying Custom Kindidd Blades] Deliver [シュタークガンの足パーツ] x5
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Stark Gun.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 7000
Supplying Vinto Vargr Barriers
Complete [Supplying Stark Gun Leg Parts] Deliver [ヴィントバルガーの障壁] x5
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Vinto Vargr.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 8200
Supplying C. Guardinane Dynamos
Complete [Supplying Vinto Vargr Barriers] Deliver [カストガーディナンの動力] x5
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Custom Guardinane.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 8200
Supplying Batra Gun Boosters
Complete [Supplying C. Guardinane Dynamos] Deliver [バトラガンのブースター] x3
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Batra Gun.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 400 9000
Supplying Jagd Dingell Blades
Complete [Supplying Batra Gun Boosters] Deliver [ヤクトディンゲールの剣刃] x2
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Jagd Dingell.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 9300
Supplying Vardha Soma Engines
Complete [Supplying Jagd Dingell Blades] Deliver [ヴァーダーソーマ内燃機関] x1
※ Drops from Lv.50+ Vardha Soma.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 14000
Supplying Jagd Vargr Boosters
Unlock [Super Hard Difficulty] Deliver [ヤクトバルガーブースター] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Jagd Vargr.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Tag Aculpus Meat
Complete [Coast Exploration] Deliver [タグ・アクルプスの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Tag Aculpus.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Talobecko Meat
Complete [Supplying Tag Aculpus Meat] Deliver [タロベッコの肉] x10
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Talobecko.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Tag Sevanian Meat
Complete [Supplying Talobecko Meat] Deliver [タグ・セヴァニアンの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Tag Sevanian.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Falcabone Meat
Complete [Supplying Tag Sevanian Meat] Deliver [ファルカボネの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Falcabone.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Sevanian Meat
Complete [Supplying Falcabone Meat] Deliver [セヴァニアンの肉] x5
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Sevanian.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Vid Gilos Meat
Complete [Supplying Sevanian Meat] Deliver [ヴィド・ギロスの肉] x3
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Vid Gilos.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 12500
Supplying Biol Meduna Meat
Complete [Supplying Vid Gilos Meat] Deliver [ビオル・メデューナの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.60+ Biol Meduna.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 14000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Note and Sash Fragments
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [アヌシザグリのお札] x10
Deliver [パジギッリの帯の欠片] x10
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Anushi-zagri and Paji-ghiry.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 11500
Supplying Weights and Horns
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [ガンナガムの大角] x3
Deliver [レランガムの風袋] x3
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Ganna-gam and Leran-gam.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 36000
Supplying Azure Ice Stones
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [碧氷石] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Gigur Gunne-gam.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 500 20000

Ascended Facility

Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Blades and Shells
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [タルボルプスの刃片] x3
Deliver [ファルガルボンの貝殻] x3
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Falgarbon and Tarvolpus.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 30000
Supplying Scales and Spines
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [ネプト・キャサドーラの鱗] x1
Deliver [レオマドゥラードの鋭棘] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Nepto Cassadora and
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 36000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Supplying Drums and Embers
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [パジゴワンの鼓] x10
Deliver [コドニアガリの種火] x5
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Paji-gowan and Godoni-agari.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 31000
Supplying Claws and Axes
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [イタギザクリの鋭爪] x5
Deliver [オロオガルの大斧] x2
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Itagi-zakri and Oro-ogar.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1000 15540
Supplying Large Toy Parts
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [巨大な玩具の破片] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Codotta Idetta.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 22000
Supplying Spirit Scythes
Complete [Difficulty Unlock I] Deliver [魂狩の大鎌] x1
※ Drops from Lv.31+ Guar Zigmorde.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1500 28000


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes
Procuring Ancient Meat
NA Deliver [太古の肉] x3
※ Drops from Lv.21+ T. Rexes.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 7560
Snake Heli-Engines
NA Deliver [スネークヘリエンジン] x2
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Snake Helicopters.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 1200 7560
Procuring Type-15 Tank Cannon
NA Deliver [15式戦車の主砲] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Type-15 Tanks,
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 2000 10500
Procuring Train Mortars
NA Deliver [トレインモーター] x1
※ Drops from Lv.21+ Train Ghidorans.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 2500 12600


Order Name Requirement Objective Repeatable Meseta Experience Notes

Supplying Phosiorgles Meat
NA Deliver [プロジオーグルスの肉] x1
※ Drops from Lv.80+ Phosiorgles.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 2500 25000

Supplying Zeta Guranz Cannons
NA Deliver [ゼータ・グランゾの主砲] x1
※ Drops from Lv.80+ Zeta Guranz.
Reorder: 166 hours (7 days) 2500 25000