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m (→‎Forest: nab rappy note to fit with the other rappies)
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(22 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable table-bordered" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"
|- style="background-color:""
| [[Aberrations]]|| [[Darkers]]|| [[Dragonkin]]|| [[Mechs]]|| [[Natives]]|| [[Oceanids]]|| [[Phantoms]]|| [[Special Enemies]]|| [[Titans]] || [[Demons]] || [[Luminmechs]]
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;"
! class="unsortable" | Image
! | Name
{{EnemyRow|nabrappy|[[File:NabRappyIcon.png|128px]]|Nab Rappy|ナヴ・ラッピー|Forest|Lv. 31~50
! | Area
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Hard Quartz]]
! | Drop List
Lv. 46+
! | Weakness
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Milky Twinkle]]
! | Breakpoints
Lv. 61+
! | Weakpoints
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Stark Katze]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Face||When defeated, will pass out for a few seconds. After that, will look around and then start running away. Hitting it while it runs yields more drops.}}
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
{{EnemyRow|oodan|[[File:OodanIcon.png|128px]]|Oodan|ウーダン|Forest<br>Ruins|Lv. 21~45
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Ray Duplex-NT]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Swords}} [[Madam's Umbrella]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Swords}} [[Dio Aristin]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Launcher}} [[Zamlegd]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||This creatures attacks by swinging itself at the player or punching the player.}}
{{EnemyRow|zaoodan|[[File:ZaOodanIcon.png|128px]]|Za Oodan|ザウーダン|Forest<br>Ruins|Lv. 1~35
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Full Cylinder-NT]]
Lv. 31~45
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Twizzler]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Wand}} [[Magical Wand]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Launcher}} [[Dio Adrastea]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Zamlion]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}||Rock|It pulls a rock from the ground and will use for both range and melee.}}
{{EnemyRow|gulf|[[File:GulfIcon.png|128px]]|Gulf|ガルフ|Forest<br>Ruins|Lv. 21~45
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Strike Broom-NT]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Double Sabers}} [[Stag Cutlery]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Katana}} [[Dio Lacruico]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Twin Filphin]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player.Also can howl (buff other creatures?).}}
{{EnemyRow|fangulf|[[File:FangulfIcon.png|128px]]|Fangulf|フォンガルフ|Forest<br>Ruins|Lv. 1~25
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Astella-NT]]
Lv. 31~50
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Gungnata]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Bloomy Collet]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Double Sabers}} [[Babelas Twins]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buff other creatures?).}}
*{{Rarity|}}[[File:Furniture.png|link=|Furniture]] [[Wall Paint]]
Lv. 1~35
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Rosa Crane-NT]]
Lv. 31~50
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Ishurai]]
Lv. 46+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Lambda Garland]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Bullet Bows}} [[Dio Bigglow]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Dio Religiou]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Flies around and stops so that it can spane into you or shoot a projectile.}}
{{EnemyRow|garongo|[[File:GarongoIcon.png|128px]]|Garongo|ガロンゴ|Forest<br>Ruins|Lv. 1~30
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Aresvis-NT]]
Lv. 21~60
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Wired Lances}} [[Gudda Skela]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Lambda Religiou]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Holy Ray-NT]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Katana}} [[Filph Suiren]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Belly||It spins when it attacks, but if it hits a wall it falls to its side showing its weakpoint. If the roll goes to a stop or is blocked it goes back to normal.}}
{{EnemyRow|rockbear|[[File:RockbearIcon.png|128px]]|Rockbear|ロックベア|Forest<br>Ruins |
*{{Rarity|}}[[File:Furniture.png|link=|Furniture]] [[Rockbear Leaf]]
Lv. 1~30
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Riddle Mole-NT]]
Lv. 21~35
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Knight Lancer-NT]]
Lv. 26+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Rock Knuckle]]
Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Swords}} [[Ikutachi]]
Lv. 31~60
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Wired Lances}} [[Jagriath-NT]]
Lv. 46+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Double Sabers}} [[Lambda Failnaught]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Vjaya-NT]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Grizz Rifle]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Queen Viera]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Katana}} [[Zam Ranazan]]
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Flowrain]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||It attacks by punching and doing a body slam. When it does its multiple punch attacks at the end it will fall to the ground letting its weak point be hit easily. It also has a grab that throws the player. If the player tries to fight it from a distance it will start to do front flips to the player ending with a body slam.}}
*{{Icons|PA}}  [[Flash Thousand]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Yasminkov 9000M-NT]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Rogbelt Knuckle]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Akane]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Rods}} [[ Dio Salvador]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head||Rare version of Rockbear that does more damage and has more HP.}}
{{EnemyRow|fangbanshee|[[File:FangBansheeIcon.png|128px]]|Fang Banshee|ファングバンシー|Forest|Lv. 26~60
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Wand}} [[Konsaikon]]
Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Seitenweise]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Rear}} [[Jagd Fell]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Arm}} [[Jagd Klaue]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Leg}} [[Jagd Coda]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Lambda Aresvis]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Hakobehayase-NT]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Jet Boots}} [[Guilty Light]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Wired Lances}} [[Dio Kuscha Nebula]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Queen Viera]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Wired Lances}} [[Phyteuma]]
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Katana}} [[Beuray Earl]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|banthadonna|[[File:BanthaDonnaIcon.png|128px]]|Bantha Donna|バンサ・ドンナ|Forest|
*{{Icons|PA}}  [[Nazan]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Lambda Hard Quartz]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Serata Crane]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Dio Hard Quartz]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|Rare version of Fang Banshee that does more damage and has more HP.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|fangbanther|[[File:FangBantherIcon.png|128px]]|Fang Banther|ファングバンサー|Forest|Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Nagel Banther]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Rear}} [[Jagd Fell]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Arm}} [[Jagd Klaue]]<br>{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Leg}} [[Jagd Coda]]
Lv. 31~50
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Launcher}} [[Adrastea]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Dual Blades}} [[Kadolph-NT]]
Lv. 46+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Double Sabers}} [[Mehrennenka]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Grizzlan Spear]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Queen Viera]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Machina Filph]]
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Attache Nic]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|banthaong|[[File:BanthaOngIcon.png|128px]]|Bantha Ong|バンサ・オング|Forest|
*{{Icons|PA}}  [[Surprise Knuckle]]<br>{{Icons|PA}}  [[Slash Rave]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{icons|Wired Lances}} [[Lambda Belcard]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Nagel Ong]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Naglering]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Double Sabers}} [[Dio Failnaught-NT]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|Rare version of Fang Banther that does more damage and has more HP.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}

<!--Image-->| <div id="nabrappy">[[File:NabRappyIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ナヴ・ラッピー<br>Nab Rappy
<!--Area-->| Forest
<!--Drop List-->|
|These are rappies that will peck at you on sight they are as dangerous as they look. Which they aren't.<br><br>When killed, will pass out for a few seconds. After that, will look around and then start running. Hitting it while it runs yields more drops.
<!--Image-->| <div id="oodan">[[File:OodanIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ウーダン<br>Oodan
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
|This creatures attacks by swinging itself at the player or punching the player.
<!--Image-->| <div id="zaoodan">[[File:ZaOodanIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ザウーダン<br>Za Oodan
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Rock
|it pulls a rock from the ground and will use for both range and melee.
<!--Image-->| <div id="gulf">[[File:GulfIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ガルフ<br>Gulf
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
|it attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player.Also can howl (buff other creatures?).
<!--Image-->| <div id="fangulf">[[File:FangulfIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| フォンガルフ<br>Fangulf
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
|It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buff other creatures?).
<!--Image-->| <div id="aginis">[[File:AginisIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| アギニス<br>Aginis
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
|fly's around and stops so that it can dive into you.
<!--Image-->| <div id="garongo">[[File:GarongoIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ガロンゴ<br>Garongo
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Belly
|It spins when it attack but if it hits a wall it falls to its side showing its weakpoint. It the roll goes to a stop or is block it goes back to normal.
<!--Image-->| <div id="rockbear">[[File:RockbearIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ロックベア<br>Rockbear
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|It attacks by punching and doing a body slam. When it does its multiple punch attack at the end it will fall to the ground letting its weak point be hit easily. It also has a grab that throws the player. If the player tries to fight it from a distance it will start to do front flips to the player ending with a body slam.
<!--Image-->| <div id="rogbelt">[[File:RogbeltIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ログベルト<br>Rogbelt
<!--Area-->| Forest<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|same as Rockbeat just does more damage and has more health.
<!--Image-->| <div id="fangbanshee">[[File:FangBansheeIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ファングバンシー<br>Fang Banshee
<!--Area-->| Forest
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
<!--Image-->| <div id="banthadonna">[[File:BanthaDonnaIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| バンサ・ドンナ<br>Bantha Donna
<!--Area-->| Forest
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|same as fangbanshee just more damg and more health
<!--Image-->| <div id="fangbanther">[[File:FangBantherIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ファングバンサー<br>Fang Banther
<!--Area-->| Forest
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
<!--Image-->| <div id="banthaong">[[File:BanthaOngIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| バンサ・オング<br>Bantha Ong
<!--Area-->| Forest
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|same as fangbanther but does more damage and has more health.

{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;"
! class="unsortable" | Image
! | Name
{{EnemyRow|yede|[[File:YedeIcon.png|128px]]|Yede|イエーデー|Tundra|Lv. 21~45
! | Area
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Swords}}  [[Zanba]]
! | Drop List
Lv. 31+
! | Weakness
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Twin Daggers}} [[Cruel Flouga]]
! | Breakpoints
Lv. 41+
! | Weakpoints
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Knuckles}} [[Spike Slugger-NT]]
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Wand}} [[Yede Club]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Rear,<br>Head||It attacks by rolling itself into the player,throwing a snowball at the player, enraging/buffing itself.}}
{{EnemyRow|kingyede|[[File:KingYedeIcon.png|128px]]|King Yede|キングイエーデ|Tundra|Lv. 21+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Double Sabers}}  [[Starfrisa]]
Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Gunslash}}  [[Cruel Coffin]]
Lv. 31~60
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Swords}}  [[Last Survivor-NT]]
Lv. 46+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Rods}}  [[Lambda Salvador]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Launcher}}  [[Inferno Bazooka-NT]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Katana}}  [[Lambda Castilon]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Wand}}  [[King Yede Club]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Rear,<br>Head||Has the same attacks like the Yede. It also can punch and throws three snowballs in a spread instead of one that hits behind it.
If a Yede is killed nearby it becomes enraged and its rear weakpoint retracts and disappears. Prioritize King Yedes before Yedes to take advantage of their rear weakpoint.}}

<!--Image-->| <div id="yede">[[File:YedeIcon.png|128px]]</div>
{{EnemyRow|gulfur|[[File:GulfurIcon.png|128px]]|Gulfur|ガルフル|Tundra|Lv. 31~60
<!--Name-->| イエーデー<br>Yede
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Partizan}}  [[Patty Lumeria]]
<!--Area-->| Tundra
Lv. 41+
<!--Drop List-->|
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Gunslash}}  [[Nersir]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Partizan}}  [[Regal Lancer]]
Lv. 61+
<!--Notes-->|It attacks by rolling itself into the player,throwing a snowball at the player,enraging/buffing itself
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Wand}}  [[Traitor Peak]]
Lv. 66+
<!--Image-->| <div id="kingyede">[[File:KingYedeIcon.png|128px]]</div>
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Hurio Lancer]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head||It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking and run and jump slicing right through the player. Also can howl, buffing other creatures. Avoid tackling wolves near walls as they will take the advantage of ricocheting off them with their leap attack.)}}
<!--Name-->| キングイエーデ<br>King Yede
<!--Area-->| Tundra
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->|Has the same attacks like the Yede. It also can punch and throws three snowballs in a spread instead of one.
<!--Image-->| <div id="gulfur">[[File:GulfurIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ガルフル<br>Gulfur
<!--Area-->| Tundra
<!--Drop List-->|  
|It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buffs other creatures?).
<!--Image-->| <div id="fangulfur">[[File:FangulfurIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| フォンガルフル<br>Fangulfur
<!--Area-->| Tundra
<!--Drop List-->|
|It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buffs other creatures?).
<!--Image-->| <div id="malmoth">[[File:MalmothIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| マルモス<br>Malmoth
<!--Area-->| Tundra
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Hump
<!--Notes-->|It attacks by slapping the player with its nose,trample towards the player,throwing a snowball at the player
<!--Image-->| <div id="demalmoth">[[File:DeMalmothIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| デ・マルモス<br>De Malmoth
<!--Area-->| Tundra<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Left Horn<br>Right Horn<br>Forehead
<!--Weakpoints-->| Hump<br>Forehead
<!--Notes-->|It attacks the player the same say as a Malmoth but it can try to sit on the player, slame the ground,and it can enrage where it does attacks quicker. Also should the player get on its back it will try to buck the player off.
<!--Image-->| <div id="dalmalri">[[File:DalMalriIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| ダル・マルリ<br>Dal Malri
<!--Area-->| Tundra<br>Ruins
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Left Horn<br>Right Horn<br>Forehead
<!--Weakpoints-->| Hump<br>Forehead
<!--Notes-->|Same as a De Malmoth but with more damage and health
<!--Image-->| <div id="snowbanshee">[[File:SnowBansheeIcon.png|128px]]</div>
<!--Name-->| スノウバンシー<br>Snow Banshee
<!--Area-->| Tundra
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
{{EnemyRow|fangulfur|[[File:FangulfurIcon.png|128px]]|Fangulfur|フォンガルフル|Tundra|Lv. 31~50
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Rod}}  [[Clarita Visas]]
Lv. 41+
<!--Image-->| <div id="banthaelena">[[File:BanthaElenaIcon.png|128px]]</div>
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Bullet Bows}}  [[ Lambda Turbulas]]
<!--Name-->| バンサ・エレナ<br>Bantha Elena
Lv. 46+
<!--Area-->| Tundra
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Talis}}  [[Bloomy Collet]]
<!--Drop List-->|  
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}  [[Two-Hand Survivor]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head||It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buffs other creatures?).}}
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->|Same as Bantha Elena but does more damage and has more health.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
{{EnemyRow|malmoth|[[File:MalmothIcon.png|128px]]|Malmoth|マルモス|Tundra<br>Ruins|Lv. 21
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Jet Boots}}  [[Starsanis]]
Lv. 26~60
<!--Image-->| <div id="snowbanther">[[File:SnowBantherIcon.png|128px]]</div>
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Malmoth Fang]]
<!--Name-->| スノウバンサー<br>Snow Banther
Lv. 41+
<!--Area-->| Tundra
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Twin Daggers}}  [[Lambda Astella]]
<!--Drop List-->|  
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Gunslash}}  [[Clear Duplex]]
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
Lv. 61+
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Gunslash}}  [[Dio Twizzler]]
Lv. 66+
|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Bullet Bows}}  [[Hurio Roar]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Hump||It attacks by slapping the player with its nose, trampling towards the player, or throwing a snowball at the player.}}

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
{{EnemyRow|demalmoth|[[File:DeMalmothIcon.png|128px]]|De Malmoth|デ・マルモス|Tundra<br>Ruins|Lv. 21~45
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Assault Rifle}}  [[Edge Blazer]]
<!--Image-->| <div id="banthaoran">[[File:BanthaOranIcon.png|128px]]</div>
Lv. 31+
<!--Name-->| バンサ・オラン<br>Bantha Oran
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Hyperion]]<br>{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Wand}}  [[Cornelia]]
<!--Area-->| Tundra
Lv. 41+
<!--Drop List-->|  
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Bullet Bows}}  [[Lambda Tigrebow]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Talis}}  [[Mahu]]
Lv. 61+
<!--Breakpoints-->| All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Rods}}  [[Vega Twinkle]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{Icons|Twin Daggers}}  [[Hollow Gimlet]]
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Assault Rifle}}  [[Hurio Sniff]]
|Same as Snow Banther but does more damage and has more health.
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Double Sabers}}  [[Uluru Crescent]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Hump<br>Forehead|Left Horn<br>Right Horn<br>Forehead|It attacks the player the same say as a Malmoth but it can try to sit on the player, slam the ground, and it can enrage where it does attacks quicker. Also should the player get on its back it will try to buck the player off.}}
{{EnemyRow|dalmalri|[[File:DalMalriIcon.png|128px]]|Dal Malri|ダル・マルリ|Tundra<br>Ruins|
*{{Icons|PA}}  [[Surprise Dunk]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Partizan}}  [[Lambda Basilleon]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Dal Mal Fang]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Dio Kuscha Nebula]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}  [[Dio Sarcueid]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Hump<br>Forehead|Left Horn<br>Right Horn<br>Forehead|Rare version of De Malmoth that does more damage and has more HP.}}
{{EnemyRow|snowbanshee|[[File:SnowBansheeIcon.png|128px]]|Snow Banshee|スノウバンシー|Tundra|Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Rod}}  [[Vifroze]]
Lv. 31~60
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Banshee's Roar]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Rear}}  [[Schlacht Fell]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Arm}}  [[Schlacht Klaue]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Leg}}  [[Schlacht Coda]]
Lv. 46+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Wired Lances}}  [[Lambda Jagriath]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Double Sabers}}  [[Twin Brand]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Launcher}}  [[Till Traitor]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Jet Boots}}  [[Starcardia]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{Icons|Twin Daggers}}  [[Hollow Gimlet]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Knuckles}}  [[Shiro Claw]]
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}  [[Attache Nic]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|banthaelena|[[File:BanthaElenaIcon.png|128px]]|Bantha Elena|バンサ・エレナ|Tundra|
*{{Icons|PA}}  [[Sabarta]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Double Sabers}}  [[Lambda Feather Edge]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}  [[Elena's Roar]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Bullet Bows}}  [[Lambda Beldrea]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|Rare version of Snow Banshee that does more damage and has more HP.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|snowbanther|[[File:SnowBantherIcon.png|128px]]|Snow Banther|スノウバンサー|Tundra|Lv. 31+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Launcher}}  [[Verethragna]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Double Sabers}}  [[Lambda Spirtia]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Rear}}  [[Schlacht Fell]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Arm}}  [[Schlacht Klaue]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Leg}}  [[Schlacht Coda]]
Lv. 51+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Talis}}  [[Gadianna-NT]]
Lv. 61+
*{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Swords}}  [[Traitor Linear]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Dual Blades}}  [[Shanefrisa]]<br>{{Rarity|10}}{{Icons|Dual Blades}}  [[Kae Traitor]]<br>{{Rarity|12}}{{Icons|Twin Daggers}}  [[Hollow Gimlet]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Katana}}  [[Hurio Sanjin]]
Lv. 71+
*{{Rarity|11}}{{Icons|Katana}}  [[Beuray Earl]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}
{{EnemyRow|banthaoran|[[File:BanthaOranIcon.png|128px]]|Bantha Oran|バンサ・オラン|Tundra|
*{{icons|PA}} [[Assault Buster]]<br>{{Icons|PA}}  [[Additional Bullet]]
Lv. 41+
*{{Rarity|8}}{{Icons|Knuckles}}  [[Polar Hand]]
Lv. 66+
*{{Rarity|9}}{{Icons|Partizan}}  [[Dio Rhongomyniad]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|All Legs<br>Horns<br>Rear Blades|Rare version of Fang Banther that does more damage and has more HP.
If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.}}

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwords.
== Ultralized ==
{{EnemyRow|bangerbear|[[File:UIEnemyBangerBear.png|128px]]|Banger Bear|バンガーベア|Ultra Exploration: Naberius|Lv. 91+
*{{Rarity|15}}{{icons|Wired Lance}}[[Genon Ziva]]|{{icons|Fire}}{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Ultra Variant of Rockbear. Qualifies as a Rockbear for Client Orders.}}
{{EnemyRow|blizzardbanther|[[File:UIEnemyBlizzardBanther.png|128px]]|Blizzard Banther|ブリザードバンサー|Ultra Exploration: Naberius|Lv. 91+
*{{Rarity|15}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}}[[Genon Zaffira]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|Horn<br>Claws<br>Rear|Ultra Variant of Snow Banther. Incorporates attacks reminiscent of [[Elzelion]]. Qualifies as a Snow Banther for Client Orders.}}
{{EnemyRow|blizzardbanshee|[[File:UIEnemyBlizzardBanshee.png|128px]]|Blizzard Banshee|ブリザードバンシー|Ultra Exploration: Naberius|Lv. 91+
*{{Rarity|15}}{{icons|Bullet Bow}}[[Genon Ain]]|{{icons|Fire}}|Head|Horn<br>Claws<br>Rear|Ultra Variant of Snow Banshee. Incorporates attacks reminiscent of [[Elzelion]]. Qualifies as a Snow Banshee for Client Orders.}}

Latest revision as of 10:18, 21 May 2021

Aberrations Darkers Dragonkin Mechs Natives Oceanids Phantoms Special Enemies Titans Demons Luminmechs


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Nab Rappy
  • Forest
Lv. 31~50

Lv. 46+

Lv. 61+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Face
When defeated, will pass out for a few seconds. After that, will look around and then start running away. Hitting it while it runs yields more drops.
  • Forest
Lv. 21~45

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
This creatures attacks by swinging itself at the player or punching the player.
Za Oodan
  • Forest
Lv. 1~35

Lv. 31~45

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Rock Weak to:
  • FireWind


It pulls a rock from the ground and will use for both range and melee.
  • Forest
Lv. 21~45

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player.Also can howl (buff other creatures?).
  • Forest
Lv. 1~25

Lv. 31~50

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buff other creatures?).
  • Forest

Lv. 1~35

Lv. 31~50

Lv. 46+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
Flies around and stops so that it can spane into you or shoot a projectile.
  • Forest
Lv. 1~30

Lv. 21~60

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Belly
It spins when it attacks, but if it hits a wall it falls to its side showing its weakpoint. If the roll goes to a stop or is blocked it goes back to normal.
  • Forest

Lv. 1~30

Lv. 21~35

Lv. 26+

Lv. 31+

Lv. 31~60

Lv. 46+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
It attacks by punching and doing a body slam. When it does its multiple punch attacks at the end it will fall to the ground letting its weak point be hit easily. It also has a grab that throws the player. If the player tries to fight it from a distance it will start to do front flips to the player ending with a body slam.
  • Forest

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Rare version of Rockbear that does more damage and has more HP.
Fang Banshee
  • Forest
Lv. 26~60

Lv. 31+

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Bantha Donna
  • Forest

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Rare version of Fang Banshee that does more damage and has more HP.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Fang Banther
  • Forest
Lv. 31+

Lv. 31~50

Lv. 41+

Lv. 46+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Bantha Ong
  • Forest

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Rare version of Fang Banther that does more damage and has more HP.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
  • Tundra
Lv. 21~45

Lv. 31+

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Rear,
It attacks by rolling itself into the player,throwing a snowball at the player, enraging/buffing itself.
King Yede
  • Tundra
Lv. 21+

Lv. 31+

Lv. 31~60

Lv. 46+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Rear,
Has the same attacks like the Yede. It also can punch and throws three snowballs in a spread instead of one that hits behind it.

If a Yede is killed nearby it becomes enraged and its rear weakpoint retracts and disappears. Prioritize King Yedes before Yedes to take advantage of their rear weakpoint.

  • Tundra
Lv. 31~60

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking and run and jump slicing right through the player. Also can howl, buffing other creatures. Avoid tackling wolves near walls as they will take the advantage of ricocheting off them with their leap attack.)
  • Tundra
Lv. 31~50

Lv. 41+

Lv. 46+

Lv. 61+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
It attacks by running up to the player and melee attacking or run and jump right through the player. Also can howl (buffs other creatures?).
  • Tundra
Lv. 21

Lv. 26~60

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Hump
It attacks by slapping the player with its nose, trampling towards the player, or throwing a snowball at the player.
De Malmoth
  • Tundra
Lv. 21~45

Lv. 31+

Lv. 41+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

Left Horn
Right Horn
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Hump
It attacks the player the same say as a Malmoth but it can try to sit on the player, slam the ground, and it can enrage where it does attacks quicker. Also should the player get on its back it will try to buck the player off.
Dal Malri
  • Tundra

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Left Horn
Right Horn
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Hump
Rare version of De Malmoth that does more damage and has more HP.
Snow Banshee
  • Tundra
Lv. 31+

Lv. 31~60

Lv. 41+

Lv. 46+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Bantha Elena
  • Tundra

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Rare version of Snow Banshee that does more damage and has more HP.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Snow Banther
  • Tundra
Lv. 31+

Lv. 41+

Lv. 51+

Lv. 61+

Lv. 66+

Lv. 71+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
This boss fights by using hit and run tactics and pouncing, when its health goes down to a certain point it will start howling. When it howls it enters enraged mode where it moves faster and does slashing combos. If all the blades are broken when it tries to run slash it will fall over and pick itself up. It also has an ice breath that can/will freeze the player.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.

Bantha Oran
  • Tundra

Lv. 41+

Lv. 66+

All Legs
Rear Blades
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Rare version of Fang Banther that does more damage and has more HP.

If fire element effect happens the boss freaks out doing a drop and roll for a few seconds resetting its behavior afterwards.


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Banger Bear
  • Ultra Exploration: Naberius
Lv. 91+ Weak to:
  • FireWind


  • Head
Ultra Variant of Rockbear. Qualifies as a Rockbear for Client Orders.
Blizzard Banther
  • Ultra Exploration: Naberius
Lv. 91+ Horn
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Ultra Variant of Snow Banther. Incorporates attacks reminiscent of Elzelion. Qualifies as a Snow Banther for Client Orders.
Blizzard Banshee
  • Ultra Exploration: Naberius
Lv. 91+ Horn
Weak to:
  • Fire


  • Head
Ultra Variant of Snow Banshee. Incorporates attacks reminiscent of Elzelion. Qualifies as a Snow Banshee for Client Orders.