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Limited Quests: Difference between revisions

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==List of Quests==
#REDIRECT [[Quests#Limited Quests]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Location
! Name
! Unlock Requirement
! Objective
| [[File:MapAmd02.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2013 Qualifier<br>アークスGP2013予選
| N/A
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:MapUrb.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic Border Break]]<br>境界を砕く混沌
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Defeat enemies and collect quest points!
| [[File:MapVop01.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2013 Semi-finals<br>アークスGP2013本戦
| N/A
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:UIMapArksWreckage.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2013 Finals<br>アークスGP2013予選
| Clear ARKS GP 2013 Semi-finals
| Defeat Dark Falz Elder!
| [[File:MapVop01.png|160px]]
| Atrocious Ocean<br>造龍来たる魔の海域
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapLil03.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2014 Qualifier<br>アークスGP2014予選
| N/A
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:MapMothership.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic Silence]]<br>静寂に生まれし混沌
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Defeat enemies and collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapNab03.png|160px]]
| [[Border-Piercing Blade]]<br>境界を切り裂く銀の鋼刃
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Defeat enemies and collect quest points!
| [[File:UIMapMiningBase.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2014 Semi-finals<br>アークスGP2014本戦
| {{#simple-tooltip: Complete Klotho's CO: Show Me How Strong You Are I|Clear ARKS GP 2014 Qualifiers}}
| Defeat 100 enemies!
| [[File:MapMothership.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2014 Finals<br>アークスGP2014予選
| Clear ARKS GP 2014 Semi-finals
| Defeat Dark Falz Loser!
| [[File:MapHar01.png|160px]]
| Shironian Pandemonium<br>混沌に惑う白き都
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapDarkerNest.png|160px]]
| Chaotic Beguiler<br>混沌招く未知なる影
| Same as Above
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapNabUQ.png|160px]]
| [[Winged Border-Breaker]]<br>境界を貫く双角の凶鳥
| Same as Above
| Defeat the culprit behind the accident!
| [[File:MapNab01.png|160px]]
| ARKS Festival 2015 Vanguard<br>アークスフェス2015先鋒戦
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest & Possess a Super Hard License.
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:MapVop03.png|160px]]
| ARKS Festival 2015 Deputy<br>アークスフェス2015副将戦
| Clear ARKS Festival 2015 Vanguard.
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:UIMapArksWreckage.png|160px]]
| ARKS Festival 2015 Admiral<br>アークスフェス2015大将戦
| Clear ARKS Festival 2015 Deputy.
| Head for the Final Area!
| [[File:MapHar01.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2016 Qualifier<br>アークスGP2016予選
| N/A
| Head for the Final Area!<br>This Limited Quest was only accessible in the Challenge Lobby
| [[File:MapVop03.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic Darkness]]<br>混沌導く闇の化身
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapNab01.png|160px]]
| [[Darkness From the Chaos]]<br>混沌産み出す闇の化身
| Same as Above
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapLiliUQ.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2016 Semi-Finals<br>アークスGP2016本戦
| Clear ARKS GP 2016 Qualifier.
| Defeat 100 Enemies!<br>This Limited Quest was only accessible in the Challenge Lobby
| [[File:UIMapNaberiusSkies.png|160px]]
| ARKS GP 2016 Finals<br>アークスGP2016決勝
| Clear ARKS GP 2016 Semi-Finals.
| Defeat Profound Darkness!<br>This Limited Quest was only accessible in the Challenge Lobby
| [[File:MapAmd03.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic Roar of the Dragon]]<br>混沌喚び出す龍の咆哮
| Subdue Za Oodan must be cleared to access this quest.
| Defeat enemies and collect quest points!
| [[File:MapNab03.png|160px]]
| [[The Wandering Black Knight]]<br>境界に彷徨う漆黒の騎士
| Same as Above
| Defeat the culprit behind the accident!
| [[File:MapEar02.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic Prankster's Sneers]]<br>混沌もたらす戯神の嘲笑
| Same as Above
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapNabUQ.png|160px]]
| [[A World Engulfed in Shadows]]<br>暗影渦巻く壊れた世界
| Same as Above
| Defeat the enemies that appeared on each planet!
| [[File:MapVRArena.png|160px]]
| Arks {{#simple-tooltip: BT|Battle Tournament}} 2017 Qualifier<br>アークスBT2017予選
| N/A
| This Limited Quest was only accessible in the Battle Lobby
| [[File:MapNab01.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode1]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode1
| Same as Above
| Defeat all the enemies that appear!
| [[File:MapVop01.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode2]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode2
| Same as Above
| Defeat all the enemies that appear!
| [[File:MapHar01.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode3]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode3
| Same as Above
| Defeat all the enemies that appear!
| [[File:MapEar01.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode4]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode4
| Same as Above
| Defeat all the enemies that appear!
| [[File:UIMapUnknown.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode1~4]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode1~4
| Same as Above
| Defeat the enemies that appeared on each planet!
| [[File:MapEforest.png|160px]]
| [[The Beckoning Woods]]<br>逢魔に誘う幻惑の森
| Same as Above
| Rescue Harriet!
| [[File:UIMapBuster.png|160px]]
| [[The Menacing Castle]]<br>戦塵を招く魔城の脅威
| Same as Above
| Defeat the Devil Castle!
| [[File:MapAmd02.png|160px]]
| [[Sky Park Arkuma Land]]<br>空中遊園アークマランド
| Same as Above
| Defeat enemies to earn points!
| [[File:MapLil03.png|160px]]
| [[Sand Park Arkuma Land]]<br>砂上遊園アークマランド
| Same as Above
| Defeat enemies to earn points!
| [[File:UIMapAlteredSpace.png|160px]]
| [[Revelry of Darkness]]<br>星芒喰らう闇の狂宴
| Same as Above
| Defeat all enemies and clear the final area!
| [[File:MapUrb.png|160px]]
| [[Chaotic City]]<br>混沌群がる暗影の街
| Same as Above
| Head for the final area!
| [[File:UIMapUnknown.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode5]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode5
| N/A
| Defeat the enemies in each area!
| [[File:MapAmduUQ.png|160px]]
| [[Corruption Course Trial: Excluder]]<br>壊世周回試練:Excluder
| N/A
| Collect Quest Points!
| [[File:MapHar01.png|160px]]
| [[Cosmic Calamity]]<br>天地を葬る災禍の凶神
| N/A
| Save Harkotan!
| [[File:UIMapAlteredSpace.png|160px]]
| [[The Piper of Disharmony]]<br>安寧を破りし超急の魔笛
| Complete Koffie's Client Order "Level Cap Trial I" that is unlocked at Lv.20.
| Eliminate the Enemy Readings!
| [[File:UIMapArmadaBattlesphere1.png|160px]]
| [[Special Training:Episode6]]<br>特別突破訓練:Episode6
| N/A
| Suppress the Armada!
| [[File:MapArmadaUQ.png|160px]]
| [[Battleship Infiltration: Enhancer]]<br>敵艦潜入訓練:Enhancer
| N/A
| Head for the Final Area!

Revision as of 21:45, 14 February 2021