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Revision as of 22:08, 28 March 2021 by Dabir (talk | contribs)
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Related weapons of the same type. Will often all have the same model, recolored or retextured.

| sword = Sword line:
| gigush = Gigush line:
| breaker = Breaker line:
| claymore = Claymore line:
| calibur = Calibur line:
| zaxe = Zaxe line:
| advancesword = Advanced Sword line:
| tuna = Tuna line
| firescale = Fire Dragon's Scales line
| aristin = Aristin line:
| sildinian = Sil Dinian's Sword line:
| coatedge = Coat Edge line:
| ardillo = Ardillo line:
| ruin = Ruin line:
| kvelle = Kvelle line:
| kvelle = Kvelle line:
| odachi = Odachi line:
| wiredlance = Wired Lance line:
| gain = Wired Gain line:
| over = Wired Over line:
| advancewiredlance = Advanced Wired Lance line:
| kuschanebula = Kuscha Nebula line: