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New Genesis: Mining Rig Defense

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Mining Rig Defense (also known as Defense Quests) is a type of Emergency Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. Up to 8 players are tasked with defending ARKS' Mining Rigs in a specific area from waves of enemies.

Mechanics of Mining Rig Defense

These mechanics are common across Mining Rig Defense quests.

Mining Rigs

The mining rigs are what need to be defended from being attacked by enemies. Each of the mining rigs have a color associated with them, as well as their own health bar that represents their structural integrity. When the health bar of a mining rig drops to zero from being attacked, it is destroyed.

By using the "Repair Damage" device feature, the structural integrity of surviving mining rigs can be restored. "Deploy Barrier Shield" can be used to protect the rigs from damage for a limited time.

When all mining rigs are destroyed, the Emergency Quest will end.


Mining Rig Defense Quests consist of multiple waves, where enemies will spawn and move towards mining rigs to attack them. Waves will end either when all enemies are defeated or the wave timer expires.

When the final wave ends, the Emergency Quest ends

Collect Sign

Collect Signs (Collectasigne) can be found throughout the Emergency Quest area. By collecting them, you obtain points that can be used to unlock Device Features.

Device Features

As you obtain Points from Collect Signs, the available features accessible from mining rigs expands. Available uses of a feature can also be restocked.

Required Points Device Feature
? Pts Deploy Barrier Shield
1000 Pts Use Special Equipment
2000 Pts Repair Damage
? Pts Deploy Barrier Shield
2000 Pts Repair Damage
7000 Pts Use Special Equipment

Special Equipment

When available to be used, Special Equipment can be called down by a player temporarily for increased firepower.

Mobile Cannon

The Mobile Cannon is a heavy-duty handheld ranged weapon that features a machine gun and grenade launcher. You can also use the Mobile Cannon to propel yourself at a high speed.

Sudden Incidents

Sometimes when a new enemy wave starts, a Sudden Incident will occur that causes the wave to feature hazards it normally doesn't. A popup will inform you of what the wave will feature, such as enemy structures like the Barrigale appearing.

Enemy Structures

Structures belonging to the enemies can spawn during waves.


Barrigale create barriers.